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  • <div>Groundwater is a finite and largely hidden resource. Enhancing scientific understanding of groundwater systems improves decisions about its planning, allocation and use. This benefits all Australians through improved water management.</div><div>Australia’s groundwater resources underpin billions of dollars of economic activity, provide safe and reliable drinking water for millions of people, and sustain life and cultural values across the country. Sustainably managing our critical groundwater resources is vital to improving water security and protecting the environment.</div><div>Geoscience Australia and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) collaborate on initiatives funded by the Australian Government. We work together to deliver innovative solutions to nationally significant issues affecting Australia’s groundwater resources.</div><div>With world‑class expertise and facilities, we are at the forefront of groundwater science. Our combined hydrogeological capabilities are best applied to regional and national-scale challenges that extend beyond the remit of individual jurisdictions or private industry.</div><div>This publication highlights the scientific approaches, technologies, and methods that we apply to better understand and characterise Australia’s groundwater and includes case studies that demonstrate the unique value of our collaboration.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>Two new programs at Geoscience Australia are providing trusted, high-quality science to support decision making and the Australian resources industry. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program will provide baseline pre-competitive data in the Cooper, Adavale, north Bowen and Galilee basin regions. A repository of information is being developed in collaboration with CSIRO, including new geological and environmental assessments, to accelerate development in the sectors of petroleum, mineral, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage, while simultaneously providing opportunities to understand the potential hazards, risk and impacts of these resources being developed.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The Data Driven Discoveries program is combining new and old data to better understand the under-explored Adavale Basin in central-western Queensland. The program will undertake chemical composition analyses to support the correlation of geological layers, collate and reprocess historical seismic data, acquire new seismic reflection data, and undertake stratigraphic research drilling to provide a more detailed understanding of basin architecture and the resource potential of the Adavale Basin. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>An overview of the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information and Data Driven Discoveries programs will be provided, including initial results and planned acquisition. This will show how these complementary programs will contribute to streamlined regulation and approval processes, the low emissions agenda, and responsible resource development in key basin regions across Australia.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) QLD Symposium 9 September (

  • This article is to be published in the industry journal "Food Australia". The article describes the motivation for a collaborative project between CSIRO, GA, ANSTO and NMI to create a federated data platform to share and deliver environment isotopic data, to support verification of where Australian agricultural and food products come from and how they were grown. The project is funded by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) as part of its Food Security Data Challenges program. <b>Citation:</b> Welti, N., Fraser, G., Gerber, C., Kethers, S., & Flick, L. (2024). Backing food product claims with evidence. Food Australia, 76(2), 14–17.