Airborne Digital Data
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Colour ternary (K-U-TH R-G-B) gamma-ray spectrometry pixel image digital BIL file covering the Andamooka, Copley, Parachilna, Orroroo and part of the Port Augusta 1:250,000 map Sheet areas.
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The coverage of this dataset is over the PortStephens region . The C3 LAS data set contains point data in LAS 1.2 format sourced from a LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) from an ALS50 ( Airborne Laser Scanner ) sensor . The processed data has been manually edited to achieve LPI classification level 3 whereby the ground class contains minimal non-ground points such as vegetation , water , bridges , temporary features , jetties etc . Purpose: To provide fit-for-purpose elevation data for use in applications related to coastal vulnerability assessment, natural resource management ( especially water and forests) , transportation and urban planning . Additional lineage information: This data has an accuracy of 0.3m ( 95 CI ) vertical and 0.8m ( 95 CI ) horizontal with a minimum point density of one laser pulse per square metre . For more information on the datas accuracy, refer to the lineage provided in the data history .
The generation of the dataset was funded primarily by the State Government of Tasmania through the State Emergency Service and the Commonwealth Natural Disaster Mitigation Program. The Climate Futures for Tasmania project is possible with additional funding support from the Australian Government's Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Program, the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water, and Hydro Tasmania. Digital Mapping Australia (DiMAP) collected the raw data and checked the digital elevation dataset in detail to the 10 metres AHD. If users are interested in improving the quality of the data above 10 metres AHD.
This job was planned due to a requirement for high accuracy aerial photography to be used as part of a cadastral adjustment program. The high quality laser derived surface means that there would be minimal distortion on the part of the imagery and so it would suit the purpose well. The job was extended beyond the immediate town extents as the council was also interested in floodplain mapping and cadastral adjustment in the surrounds.
AAM was engaged by DPIPWE to acquire LiDAR data over several coastal areas of Tasmania during March and April 2014. Beechford comprises approximately 6.20 km2
The coverage of this dataset is over the Bulahdelah region. The C3 LAS data set contains point data in LAS 1.2 format sourced from a LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) from an ALS50 ( Airborne Laser Scanner ) sensor . The processed data has been manually edited to achieve LPI classification level 3 whereby the ground class contains minimal non-ground points such as vegetation, water, bridges, temporary features, jetties etc. Purpose: To provide fit-for-purpose elevation data for use in applications related to coastal vulnerability assessment, natural resource management (especially water and forests), transportation and urban planning. Additional lineage information: This data has an accuracy of 0.3m (95 CI) vertical and 0.8m (95 CI) horizontal with a minimum point density of one laser pulse per square metre. For more information on the data's accuracy, refer to the lineage provided in the data history.
No abstract available
These datasets cover approximately 384 sq km over the Towns of Woodstock - Majors Creek in Townsville City and are part of the 2011 Inland Towns Stage 2 LiDAR capture project. This section of the project, undertaken by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 1 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las AHD datum (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - Classified las Ellipsoidal datum (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI Binary grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape