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On 24 June 2009, Territories West - Attorney-Generals Department emailed Geoscience Australia an updated version of the shape files to the Town Planning Scheme. These are lazone.shp and rcode.shp. The data came with numerical codes for the lazones and without English descriptions for the zone types. GA decoded the lazones to field zones based on prior data. A listing of the resultant lazone fields follows: Alias Type Precision Width---------------------------------------------------Shape FIELD_SHAPEPOLY 8 0Zone FIELD_CHAR 2 40Lucode FIELD_DECIMAL 4 0Zonecat FIELD_CHAR 0 2Key FIELD_CHAR 14 0Area FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Perimeter FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Lga_num FIELD_DECIMAL 4 0Scheme_typ FIELD_CHAR 2 0Scheme_no FIELD_CHAR 4 0Addcode FIELD_CHAR 4 0Restcode FIELD_CHAR 4 0Alabel FIELD_CHAR 1 0Rlabel FIELD_CHAR 1 0Lazone_ FIELD_DECIMAL 0 9Lazone_id FIELD_DECIMAL 0 9Specaddcod FIELD_CHAR 0 4Slabel FIELD_CHAR 0 1 After the field zone was joined as the legend the coded data became self evident and shows areas of: Commercial, Facility, Future Urban, Horticulture, Indian Ocean, Industrial, Mining, National Parks, Public Open Space, Public Purposes, Residential, Roads, Tourist and Vacant Crown Land. For a few zones the code was unfamiliar and were left lank.The prior version of the TPS was supplied in 1998. R-Code and lazone differences are noted in the 2009 version.
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On 24 June 2009, Territories West - Attorney-Generals Department emailed Geoscience Australia an updated version of the shape files to the Town Planning Scheme. These had been obtained from the Mapping and GeoSpatial Data Branch of the WA Department for Planning and Infrastructure. The 2009 townplan followed on from the original 1998 town plan (described below) for Christmas Island. The Western Australian Ministry of Planning was commissioned by the Commonwealth Government to carry out a planning study that assembled the Town Planning Scheme data, which was completed on the 24th September 1996. Reprojecting the Ministry of Planning data to Christmas Island Grid 1985 (CIG85) was not straightforward. Geoscience Australia has endeavoured to integrate the TPS data with the rest of the CIGIS as best as possible. The TPS data was supplied in a zone 50 projection despite Christmas Island being in zone 48. Ministry of Planning advised by phone that a standard Australian Map Grid had been used. However both AGD66 and AGD85 gave data over 200m out of place to the NE and so by trial and error a best match was sought and found to be WGS84. ArcInfo projection files (z50_geo.prj and ll_cig85.prj in the planning directory) were used to unproject the data to geographics and then reproject it to zone 48 CIG85. Note - there was a necessary final adjustment of two meters south and two meters west to get the TPS data into a better ultimate alignment with CIG85. A special points dataset was included with the Ministry of Planning data. A number of inaccuracies in this data set were observed. The radio masts did not coincide with the masts visible on the orthophotography. Geoscience Australia moved five of these points by 20 to 70 metres so that they plot on top of a mast visible on the 1987 aerial photography. There are also some consult with Parks Australia sites that could also well be similarly inaccurate. At two sites the radio mast points were duplicated in the TPS data. There was a cadastre dataset included with the Ministry of Planning data. It contained many spurious polygons. There were 295 of the 1136 polygons supplied that had an area less than 2 square metres. These 295 polygons were distributed over the whole of the Island, generally in the vicinity of the coastline and most commonly in the Dogs Head area. These cadastre polygons of less than 2 square metres were judged to be errors and deleted from the final shapefile mopcadas.shp (Ministry of Planning cadastre). Selecting MoP cadastre polygons from 2 to 150 square metres in size showed land parcels of which some may actually be valid (e.g. a walkway of 28 sq metres). So a lesser selection was made of polygons between 2 and 20 square metres and this yielded 282 of the 841 remaining MoP cadastre dataset polygons. A brief inspection indicated these were all on the coastline. They were presumed to be relict sliver polygons and deleted. This left 559 of the original 1136 polygons. If this MoP cadastre data set it to be taken seriously and used, a reliable way to select and eliminate these slivers needs be found (perhaps using the ratio of area and perimeter). In September 2003, Geoscience Australia projected the Town Plan shapefiles to the MGA (GDA94) projection using a XYshift (X=550015, Y=8780001).
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[-10.5667, -10.4167, 105.5333, 105.7167]
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