Authors / CoAuthors
Lawrie, K. | Brodie, R.S. | Tan, K.P. | Halas, L. | de Hoog, M. | Navin, J.
The management of water and groundwater resources is increasingly dependent on the integration of large complex datasets to visualise and model hydrological systems. The development of conceptual geological and hydrological models in the Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge (BHMAR) project has involved the integration of high resolution LiDAR, remote sensing (Landsat, SPOT), airborne electromagnetic (AEM), ground and in-river electrical surveys, and point datasets from surface sites and drillholes (borehole NMR, induction and gamma logs as well as hydrogeochemical and lithological data). Products derived from the integration of these datasets include 3D maps of hydrostratigraphy, groundwater quality, hydraulic conductivity, recharge maps, 2D displays of data (e.g. potentiometric surface maps), 3D volume shapes of groundwater resources and managed aquifer storage targets, and lithological, hydrogeochemical and hydrological data in drillholes. These datasets will be used to parameterise groundwater models at regional and borefield scales. To facilitate effective communication of such large and complex geoscience datasets and project results to a wide range of stakeholders, Geoscience Australia (GA) has recently developed an interactive 3D virtual globe viewer. The interactive virtual globe is built on NASA's open source World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) and provides users with easy and rich access to geoscientific data.The BHMAR project required further development of the existing viewer platform in order to display complex 3D hydrogeological, hydrogeophysical and hydrogeochemical data (points, lines, 2D surface and 3D shapes). The final product includes support for a variety of geo-referenced raster data formats, as well as vector data such as ESRI shapefiles and native support for a variety of GOCAD data types including TSurf, SGrid, Voxet and PLine.
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- External PublicationAbstract
- ( Theme )
- groundwater
- ( Theme )
- hydrogeology
- ( Theme )
- 3D model
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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