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A Digital Elevation Model (DEM / DTM) in a 100 metre grid covering the whitsunday area, this includes the Proserpine, O`Connell, Pioneer and Plane catchments. A DEM refers to a model of elevation values. They may be used to derive other terrain attributes. DEMs are sometimes referred to as digital terrain models (DTM), a general term applied to models of elevation, slope, aspect or other terrain attributes. DEMs are built from datasets of varying type, scale and accuracy. They may be made from ground surveyed or photogrammetrically obtained heights, existing topographic maps usually originally obtained from analogue photogrammetry, or using radar or laser altimetry data from aircraft or satellites.
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- DEM topographic
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- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
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- Published_Internal
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The accuracy of this DEM depends on the accuracy of the source data and the error of ANUDEM`s interpolation. The average accuracy of AUSLIGs 1:100000 source data is +/- 25 metres in the horizontal position of well defined detail and +/- 5 metres in elevation for most mapsheets. Mapsheet 8558 has an accuracy in the horizontal of +/- 25 metres and +/- 10 metres in elevation and mapsheets 8556, 8557, 8657, 8656, 8655, 8756, 8755, 8754, 8753 and 8853 have accuracies of +/-25 metres in the horizontal position of well defined detail and +/- 5 metres in elevation for most mapsheets. This DEM was the product of one ANUDEM sessions. ANUDEM version 4.6.2 was used to produce a 100 metre floating point grid. Source digital data were contours and drainage (scanned repromats) from AUSLIG 1:100000 mapsheets with a 20 metre contour interval for most areas with some 40 metre contours. Drainage lines were pointed in the direction of flow. A hillshade of the DEM was used to identify errors in source drainage and contour data that were previously missed. The errors, including wrongly directed drainage and wrongly labelled contours, were fixed though some errors may remain. Source used citation abbreviation: Source digital data were contours and drainage (scanned repromats) from AUSLIG 1:100000 mapsheets with a 20 metre contour interval for most areas with some 40 metre contours.
Parent Information
[-22.216, -19.946, 148.149, 149.563]
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