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  • Seismic hazard models, commonly produced through probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, are used to establish earthquake loading requirements for the built environment. However, there is considerable uncertainty in developing seismic hazard models, which require assumptions on seismicity rates and ground-motion models (GMMs) based on the best evidence available to hazard analysts. This paper explores several area-based tests of long-term seismic hazard forecasts for the Australian continent. ShakeMaps are calculated for all earthquakes of MW 4.25 and greater within approximately 200 km of the Australian coastline using the observed seismicity in the past 50 years (1970-2019). A “composite ShakeMap” is generated that extracts the maximum peak ground acceleration “observed” in this 50-year period for any site within the continent. The fractional exceedance area of this composite map is compared with four generations of Australian seismic hazard maps for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (~1/500 annual exceedance probability) developed since 1990. In general, all these seismic hazard models appear to be conservative relative to the observed ground motions that are estimated to have occurred in the last 50 years. To explore aspects of possible prejudice in this study, the variability in ground-motion exceedance was explored using the Next Generation Attenuation-East GMMs developed for the central and eastern United States. The sensitivity of these results is also tested with the interjection of a rare scenario earthquake with an expected regional recurrence of approximately 5,000 - 10,000 years. While these analyses do not provide a robust assessment of the performance of the candidate seismic hazard for any given location, they do provide—to the first order—a guide to the performance of the respective maps at a continental scale. This paper was presented at the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2021 Virtual Conference, Nov 25 – 26.

  • An earthquake catalogue based on the moment magnitude scale is required for calculation of seismic hazard in Australia. However, the estimation of moment magnitudes for small to moderate sized earthquakes is not a routine process at seismic observatories, resulting in a catalogue mainly based on the local magnitude scale for Australia. In this study we explore the application of an automated procedure to estimate moment magnitudes by minimizing the misfit between observed and synthetic displacement spectra. We compile a reference catalogue of 15 earthquakes with moment magnitude values between 3.8 and 5.4 which were based on previous studies. The moment magnitudes were then recalculated and we find that the estimated moment magnitudes are in good agreement with reference values with differences mainly lower than 0.2. However, the reported local magnitudes of the selected events are consistently higher than the reference values with differences between 0.3 and 1.0. The automated procedure will be applied to compute moment magnitudes of the well recorded events in Australia, and to derive a scaling relation between local magnitude and moment magnitude. This abstract was submitted and presented to the 2016 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Conference (AEES) (

  • Modern probabilistic seismic hazard assessments rely on earthquake catalogs consistently expressed in terms of moment magnitude, MW. However, MW is still not commonly calculated for small local events by many national networks. The preferred magnitude type calculated for local earthquakes by Australia’s National Earthquake Alerts Centre is local magnitude, ML. For use in seismic hazard forecasts, magnitude conversion equations are often applied to convert ML to MW. Unless these conversions are time-dependent, they commonly assume that ML estimation has been consistent for the observation period. While Australian-specific local magnitude algorithms were developed from the late 1980s and early 1990s, regional, state and university networks did not universally adopt these algorithms, with some authorities continuing to use Californian magnitude algorithms. Californian algorithms are now well-known to overestimate earthquake magnitudes for Australia. Consequently, the national catalogue contains a melange of contributing authorities with their own methods of magnitude estimation. The challenge for the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Assessment of Australia was to develop a catalog of earthquakes with consistent local magnitudes, which could then be converted to MW. A method was developed that corrects magnitudes using the difference between the original (inappropriate) magnitude formula and the Australian-specific corrections at a distance determined by the nearest recording station likely to have recorded the earthquake. These corrections have roughly halved the rates of ML 4.5 earthquakes in the Australian catalogue. To address ongoing challenges for catalog improvement, Geoscience Australia is digitising printed and hand-written observations preserved on earthquake data sheets. Once complete, this information will provide a valuable resource that will allow for further interrogation of pre-digital data and enable refinement of historical catalogs. Presented at the 2019 Seismological Society of America Conference, Seattle in the special session on “Seismology BC(d)E: Seismology Before the Current (digital) Era”

  • A shallow MW 5.3 earthquake near Lake Muir in southwest Western Australia on the 16 September 2018 was followed on the 8 November by a co-located MW 5.2 event in the same region. Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar interferograms (InSAR) allowed for the timely identification and mapping of the surface deformation relating to both earthquakes. Field mapping, guided by the InSAR observations, revealed that the first event produced an approximately 3 km-long and up to 0.4 m-high west-facing surface rupture. Five seismic rapid deployment kits (RDKs) were installed in the epicentral region within three days of the 16 September event. These data, telemetered to Geoscience Australia’s National Earthquake Alerts Centre, have enabled the detection and location of more than 750 dependent events up to ML 4.6. Preliminary joint hypocentre relocation of aftershocks using data from RDKs confirms an easterly dipping rupture plane for the first MW 5.3 event. The main shocks were recorded throughout the Australian National Seismic Network, in addition to a local broadband network in the Perth Basin operated by University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Western Australia. These data indicate large long-period ground-motions due to Rg phases and basin amplification. The two main shocks were widely felt within the region, including the Perth metro region (300 km away), with over 2400 online felt reports for the 8 November event. The Lake Muir sequence represents the ninth recorded surface rupturing earthquake in Australia in the past 50 years. All of these events have occurred in the Precambrian cratonic terranes of western and central Australia, in unanticipated locations. Paleoseismic studies of these ruptures found no evidence for regular recurrence of large events on the underlying faults. The events might therefore be considered “one-offs” at timescales of significance to typical probabilistic seismic hazard studies. Presented at 2019 Seismological Society of America Conference, Seattle in the special session on “Central and Eastern North America and Intraplate Regions Worldwide”

  • We present a preliminary probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) of a site in the Otway basin, Victoria, Australia, as part of the CO2CRC Otway Project for CO2 storage risk. The study involves estimating the likelihood of future strong earthquake shaking at the site and utilizes three datasets: (1) active faults, (2) historical seismicity, and (3) geodetic surface velocities. Our analysis of geodetic data reveals strain rates at the limit of detectability and not significantly different from zero. Consequently, we do not develop a geodetic-based source model for this Otway model. We construct logic trees to capture epistemic uncertainty in both the fault and seismicity source parameters and in the ground-motion prediction. A new feature for seismic hazard modeling in Australia, and rarely dealt with in low-seismicity regions elsewhere, is the treatment of fault episodicity (long-term activity versus inactivity) in our Otway model. Seismic hazard curves for the combined (fault and distributed seismicity) source model show that hazard is generally low, with peak ground acceleration estimates of less than 0.1g at annual probabilities of 10-3-10-4/yr. Our preliminary analysis therefore indicates that the site is exposed to a low seismic hazard that is consistent with the intraplate tectonic setting of the region and unlikely to pose a significant hazard for CO2 containment and infrastructure.

  • We present earthquake ground motions based upon a paleoseismically-validated characteristic earthquake scenario for the ~ 48 km-long Avonmore scarp, which overlies the Meadow Valley Fault, east of Bendigo, Victoria. The results from the moment magnitude MW 7.1 scenario earthquake indicate that ground motions are sufficient to be of concern to nearby mining and water infrastructure. Specifically, the estimated median peak ground acceleration (PGA) exceeds 0.5 g to more than ~ 10 km from the source fault, and a 0.09 g PGA liquefaction threshold is exceeded out to approximately 50-70 kilometres. Liquefaction of susceptible materials, such as mine tailings, may occur to much greater distances. Our study underscores the importance of identifying and characterising potentially active faults in proximity to high failure-consequence dams, including mine tailings dams, particularly in light of the requirement to manage tailing dams for a prolonged period after mine closure. Paper presented at Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) conference 2020, online. (

  • Since the publication of the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Project (GSHAP) hazard map in 1999, Australia has stood out as a region of high earthquake hazard among its stable continental region (SCR) peers. The hazard map underpinning the GSHAP traces its lineage back to the 1990 assessment of Gaull and others. This map was modified through a process of expert judgement in response to significant Australian earthquakes (notably the MW 6.2, 6.3 and 6.6 1988 Tennant Creek sequence and the deadly 1989 MW 5.4 Newcastle earthquake). The modified map, developed in 1991 (McCue and others, 1993), underpins Standards Australia’s structural design actions to this day (AS1170.4–2007). But does this assessment make sense with our current understanding of earthquake processes in SCRs? Geoscience Australia (GA) have embarked to update the seismic hazard model for Australia through the National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA18) project. Members of the Australian seismological community were solicited to contribute alternative seismic source models for consideration as inputs to the updated Australian NSHA18. This process not only allowed for the consideration of epistemic uncertainty in the hazard model in a more comprehensive and transparent manner, but also provides the community as a whole ownership of the final model. The 3rd party source models were assessed through an expert elicitation process that weighed the opinion of each expert based on their knowledge and ability to judge relevant uncertainties. In total, 19 independent seismic source models (including regional and background area sources, smoothed seismicity and seismotectonic sources) were considered in the complete source model. To ensure a scientifically rigorous, transparent and quality product, GA also established a Scientific Advisory Panel to provide valuable and ongoing feedback during the development of the NSHA18. The NSHA18 update yields many important advances on its predecessors, including: calculation in a full probabilistic framework using the OpenQuake-engine; consistent expression of earthquake magnitudes in terms of MW; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty through the use of third-party source models; inclusion of a national fault-source model based on the Australian Neotectonic Features database; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on fault occurrence models and earthquake clustering; and the use of modern ground-motion models. The preliminary NSHA18 design values are significantly lower than those in the current (1991-era) AS1170.4–2007 map at the 10% in 50-year probability level. However, draft values at lower probabilities (i.e., 2% in 50-years) are entirely consistent (in terms of the percentage land mass exceeding different PGA thresholds) with other SCRs with low strain rates (e.g. the central & eastern United States). The large reduction in seismic hazard at the 10% in 50-year probability level has led to much consternation amongst the building code committee in terms of whether the new draft design values will allow enough resilience to seismic loads. This process underscores the challenges in developing national-scale PSHAs in slowly deforming regions, where 10% in 50-year probability level may not adequately capture the maximum considered earthquake ground motions. Consequently, a robust discussion is required is amongst the Australian building code committee (including hazard practitioners) to determine alternative hazard and/or risk objectives that could be considered for future standards. Presented at the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) Workshop 2017, Lenzburg, Switzerland

  • We present the first paleoseismic investigation of the Hyde Fault, one of a series of north-east striking reverse faults within the Otago range and basin province in southern New Zealand. Surface traces of the fault and associated geomorphology were mapped using a lidar digital elevation model and field investigations. Trenches were excavated at two sites across fault scarps on alluvial fan surfaces. The trenches revealed stratigraphic evidence for four surface-rupturing earthquakes. Optically stimulated luminescence dating constrains the timing of these events to around 47.2 ka (37.5–56.7 ka at 95% confidence), 34.6 ka (24.7–46.4 ka),23.5 ka (19.7–27.3 ka) and 10.5 ka (7.9–13.1 ka). We obtain a mean inter-event time of12.4 kyr (2.3–23.9 kyr at 95% confidence) and the slip rate is estimated to be 0.22 mm/yr (0.15–0.3 mm/yr). We do not find evidence to suggest that earthquake recurrence on the Hyde Fault is episodic, in contrast to other well-studied faults within Otago, suggesting diverse recurrence styles may co-exist in the same fault system. This poses challenges for characterising the seismic hazard potential of faults in the region, particularly when paleoearthquake records are limited to the most recent few events. <b>Citation:</b> Jonathan D. Griffin, Mark W. Stirling, David J.A. Barrell, Ella J. van den Berg, Erin K. Todd, Ross Nicolls & Ningsheng Wang (2022) Paleoseismology of the Hyde Fault, Otago, New Zealand, <i>New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics</i>, 65:4, 613-637, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1995007

  • An updated National Seismic Hazard Assessment of Australia was released in 2018 (the NSHA18). This assessment leveraged off advances in earthquake-hazard science in Australia and analogue tectonic regions to offer many improvements over its predecessors. The outcomes of the assessment represent a significant shift in the way national-scale seismic hazard is modelled in Australia, and so challenged long-held notions of seismic hazard amongst the Australian seismological and earthquake engineering community. The NSHA18 is one of the most complex national-scale seismic hazard assessments conducted to date, comprising 19 independent seismic source models (contributed by Geoscience Australia and third-party contributors) with three tectonic region types, each represented by at least six ground motion models each. The NSHA18 applied a classical probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) using a weighted logic tree approach, where the model weights were determined through two structured expert elicitation workshops. The response from the participants of these workshops was overwhelmingly positive and the participants appreciated the opportunity to contribute towards the model’s development. Since the model’s publication, Geoscience Australia has been able to reflect on the choices made both through the expert elicitation process and through decisions made by the NSHA18 team. The consequences of those choices on the production of the final seismic hazard model may not have been fully appreciated prior to embarking on the development of the NSHA18, nor during the expert elicitation workshops. The development of the NSHA18 revealed several philosophical challenges in terms of characterising seismic hazard in regions of low seismicity such as Australia. Chief among these are: 1) the inclusion of neotectonic faults, whose rupture characteristics are underexplored and poorly understood; 2) processes for the adjustment and conversion of historical earthquake magnitudes to be consistently expressed in terms of moment magnitude; 3) the relative weighting of different seismic-source classes (i.e., background, regional, smoothed seismicity, etc) for different regions of interest and exceedance probabilities; 4) the assignment of Gutenberg-Richter b-values for most seismic source models based on b-values determined from broad neotectonic domains, and; 5) the characterisation and assignment of ground-motion models used for different tectonic regimes. This paper discusses lessons learned through the development of the NSHA18, identifies successes in the expert elicitation and modelling processes, and explores some of the abovementioned challenges that could be reviewed for future editions of the model. Abstract presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE )

  • Geoscience Australia has produced a draft National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA18), together with contributions from the wider Australian seismology community. This paper provides an overview of the provisional peak ground acceleration (PGA) hazard values and discusses rationale for changes in the proposed design values at the 1/500-year annual exceedance probability (AEP) level relative to Standards Australia’s AS1170.4–2007 design maps. The NSHA18 update yields many important advances on its predecessors, including: consistent expression of earthquake magnitudes in moment magnitude; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty through the use of third-party source models; inclusion of a national fault-source model; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on fault-slip-model magnitude-frequency distributions and earthquake clustering; and the use of modern ground-motion models through a weighted logic tree framework. In general, the 1/500-year AEP seismic hazard values across Australia have decreased relative to the earthquake hazard factors the AS1170.4–2007, in most localities significantly. The key reasons for the decrease in seismic hazard factors are due to: the reduction in the rates of moderate-to-large earthquakes through revision of earthquake magnitudes; the increase in b-values through the conversion of local magnitudes to moment magnitudes, particularly in eastern Australia, and; the use of modern ground-motion attenuation models. Whilst the seismic hazard is generally lower than in the present standard, we observe that the relative proportion of the Australian landmass exceeding given PGA thresholds is consistent with other national hazard models for stable continental regions. Abstract presented at the 2017 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference