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  • In plate boundary regions moderate to large earthquakes are often sufficiently frequent that fundamental seismic parameters such as the recurrence intervals of large earthquakes and maximum credible earthquake (Mmax) can be estimated with some degree of confidence. The same is not true for the Stable Continental Regions (SCRs) of the world. Large earthquakes are so infrequent that the data distributions upon which recurrence and Mmax estimates are based are heavily skewed towards magnitudes below Mw5.0, and so require significant extrapolation up to magnitudes for which the most damaging ground-shaking might be expected. The rarity of validating evidence from surface rupturing palaeo-earthquakes typically limits the confidence with which these extrapolated statistical parameters may be applied. Herein we present a new earthquake catalogue containing, in addition to the historic record of seismicity, 150 palaeo-earthquakes derived from 60 palaeo-earthquake features spanning the last > 100 ka of the history of the Precambrian shield and fringing extended margin of southwest Western Australia. From this combined dataset we show that Mmax in non-extended-SCR is M7.25 ± 0.1 and in extended-SCR is M7.65 ± 0.1. We also demonstrate that in the 230,000 km2 area of non-extended-SCR crust, the rate of seismic activity required to build these scarps is one tenth of the contemporary seismicity in the area, consistent with episodic or clustered models describing SCR earthquake recurrence. A dominance in the landscape of earthquake scarps reflecting multiple events suggests that the largest earthquakes are likely to occur on pre-existing faults. We expect these results might apply to most areas of non-extended-SCR worldwide.

  • The Philippine archipalego is tectonically complex and seismically hazardous, yet few seismic hazard assessments have provided national coverage. This paper presents an updated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the nation. Active shallow crustal seismicity is modeled by faults and gridded point sources accounting for spatially variable occurrence rates. Subduction interfaces are modelled with faults of complex geometry. Intraslab seismicity is modeled by ruptures filling the slab volume. Source geometries and earthquake rates are derived from seismicity catalogs, geophysical datasets, and historic-to-paleoseismic constraints on fault slip rates. The ground motion characterization includes models designed for global use, with partial constraint by residual analysis. Shallow crustal faulting near metropolitan Manila, Davao, and Cebu dominates shaking hazard. In a few places, peak ground acceleration with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years on rock reaches 1.0 g. The results of this study may assist in calculating the design base shear in the National Structural Code of the Philippines.

  • <div>The city of Lae is Papua New Guinea (PNG)’s second largest, and is the home of PNG’s largest port. Here, a convergence rate of ~50 mm/yr between the South Bismarck Plate and the Australian Plate is accommodated across the Ramu-Markham Fault Zone (RMFZ). The active structures of the RMFZ are relatively closely spaced to the west of Lae. However, the fault zone bifurcates immediately west of the Lae urban area, with one strand continuing to the east, and a second strand trending southeast through Lae City and connecting to the Markham Trench within the Huon Gulf. </div><div>The geomorphology of the Lae region relates to the interaction between riverine (and limited marine) deposition and erosion, and range-building over low-angle thrust faults of the RMFZ. Flights of river terraces imply repeated tectonic uplift events; dating of these terraces will constrain the timing of past earthquakes and associated recurrence intervals. Terrace riser heights are typically on the order of 3 m, indicating causative earthquake events of greater than magnitude 7. </div><div>Future work will expose the most recently active fault traces in trenches to assess single event displacements, and extend the study to the RMFZ north of Nadzab Airport. These results will inform a seismic hazard and risk assessment for Lae city and surrounding region.</div> Presented at the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference

  • <div>The presence of Pliocene marine sediments in the Myponga and Meadows basins within the Mt Lofty Ranges south of Adelaide is testament to over 200&nbsp;m of tectonic uplift within the last 5 Myr (e.g., Sandiford 2003, Clark 2014). The spatiotemporal distribution of uplift amongst the various faults within the range and along the range fronts is poorly understood. Consequently, large uncertainties are associated with estimates of the hazard that the faults pose to proximal communities and infrastructure.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>We present the preliminary results of a paleoseismic investigation of the southern Willunga Fault, ~40 km south of Adelaide. Trenches were excavated across the fault to examine the relationships between fault planes and sedimentary strata. Evidence is preserved for 3-5 ground-rupturing earthquakes since the Middle to Late Pleistocene, with single event displacements of 0.5 – 1.7 m. Dating of samples will provide age constraints on the timing of these earthquakes. This most recent part of the uplift history may then be related to the longer-term landscape evolution evidenced by the uplifted basins, providing an enhanced understanding of the present-day seismic hazard.</div> This abstract was presented at the Australian & NZ Geomorphology Group (ANZGG) Conference in Alice Springs 26-30 September 2022.

  • Since the publication of the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Project (GSHAP) hazard map in 1999, Australia has stood out as a region of high earthquake hazard among its stable continental region (SCR) peers. The hazard map underpinning the GSHAP traces its lineage back to the 1990 assessment of Gaull and others. This map was modified through a process of expert judgement in response to significant Australian earthquakes (notably the MW 6.2, 6.3 and 6.6 1988 Tennant Creek sequence and the deadly 1989 MW 5.4 Newcastle earthquake). The modified map, developed in 1991 (McCue and others, 1993), underpins Standards Australia’s structural design actions to this day (AS1170.4–2007). But does this assessment make sense with our current understanding of earthquake processes in SCRs? Geoscience Australia (GA) have embarked to update the seismic hazard model for Australia through the National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA18) project. Members of the Australian seismological community were solicited to contribute alternative seismic source models for consideration as inputs to the updated Australian NSHA18. This process not only allowed for the consideration of epistemic uncertainty in the hazard model in a more comprehensive and transparent manner, but also provides the community as a whole ownership of the final model. The 3rd party source models were assessed through an expert elicitation process that weighed the opinion of each expert based on their knowledge and ability to judge relevant uncertainties. In total, 19 independent seismic source models (including regional and background area sources, smoothed seismicity and seismotectonic sources) were considered in the complete source model. To ensure a scientifically rigorous, transparent and quality product, GA also established a Scientific Advisory Panel to provide valuable and ongoing feedback during the development of the NSHA18. The NSHA18 update yields many important advances on its predecessors, including: calculation in a full probabilistic framework using the OpenQuake-engine; consistent expression of earthquake magnitudes in terms of MW; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty through the use of third-party source models; inclusion of a national fault-source model based on the Australian Neotectonic Features database; inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on fault occurrence models and earthquake clustering; and the use of modern ground-motion models. The preliminary NSHA18 design values are significantly lower than those in the current (1991-era) AS1170.4–2007 map at the 10% in 50-year probability level. However, draft values at lower probabilities (i.e., 2% in 50-years) are entirely consistent (in terms of the percentage land mass exceeding different PGA thresholds) with other SCRs with low strain rates (e.g. the central & eastern United States). The large reduction in seismic hazard at the 10% in 50-year probability level has led to much consternation amongst the building code committee in terms of whether the new draft design values will allow enough resilience to seismic loads. This process underscores the challenges in developing national-scale PSHAs in slowly deforming regions, where 10% in 50-year probability level may not adequately capture the maximum considered earthquake ground motions. Consequently, a robust discussion is required is amongst the Australian building code committee (including hazard practitioners) to determine alternative hazard and/or risk objectives that could be considered for future standards. Presented at the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) Workshop 2017, Lenzburg, Switzerland

  • Geoscience Australia, together with contributors from the wider Australian seismology community, have produced a draft National Seismic Hazard Assessment (NSHA18), recommended for inclusion in the 2018 update of Standards Australia’s Structural design actions, part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia, AS1170.4–2007 (Standards Australia, 2007). This Standard is prepared by Subcommittee BD-006-11, General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures of Standards Australia. The provisional seismic hazard values presented in this report have been submitted to comply with Standards Australia’s public comment and publication timelines. This report provides a brief overview of provisional mean peak ground acceleration values (equivalent to the seismic hazard factor Z in AS1170.4) and the approaches used. The hazard values are calculated on rock sites (AS1170.4 Site Class Be) for a probability of exceedance of 10% in 50 years (0.0021 per annum). Continued refinement of these values will occur throughout, and in response to, the first public comment period. While only minor changes are expected, the final NSHA18 will be completed prior to Standard Australia’s planned second public comment period (likely in late 2017). The NSHA18 update yields many important advances on its predecessors, including: • calculation in a full probabilistic framework (e.g., Cornell, 1968) using the Global Earthquake Model Foundation’s OpenQuake-engine (Pagani et al., 2014); • consistent expression of earthquake magnitudes in terms of moment magnitude, MW; • inclusion of epistemic uncertainty through the use of third-party source models contributed by the Australian seismology community; • inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on magnitude-frequency distributions; • inclusion of a national fault-source model based on the Australian Neotectonic Features database (Clark et al., 2012; Clark et al., 2016); • inclusion of epistemic uncertainty on fault-slip-model magnitude-frequency distributions and earthquake clustering; and • use of modern ground-motion models.

  • <div>COMET (The Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics) uses satellite measurements alongside ground-based observations and geophysical models to study active faults and earthquakes. This talk provides an overview of COMET research products in Türkiye and Central Asia, where interseismic deformation and active faults are directly observable. It also touches on how these products highlight the complexity and difficulty of seismic hazard modelling in Australia.&nbsp;</div><div>Three COMET datasets will be discussed, which each contribute to seismic hazard models. Researchers at COMET have and continue to pioneer INSAR methods including co-seismic interferograms and time-series modelling. For example, the Türkiye (Türkiye) INSAR strain-rate map directly estimates strain-accumulation across faults, while the LICSAR portal and satellite cross-correlation methods are used to quantify co-seismic and post-seismic deformation (including after the devastating 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake).&nbsp;</div><div>Similar methods are applied in the Tien Shan, where active faults are identifiable in satellite imagery and elevation data, but rates of activity are uncertain and expensive to obtain through field work. Here COMET and GEM (the Global Earthquake Model) are collaborating to produce block-model informed PSHA inputs using active fault databases, GNSS, and INSAR.&nbsp;</div><div>While these methods are useful in tectonically active regions, they serve to highlight the difficulties facing Australian seismic hazard modelling where similar methods cannot be used due to low (to unobservable) tectonic strain and very long fault recurrence.&nbsp;</div> This paper was presented to the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Conference 23-25 November 2023 (

  • Seismic hazard models, commonly produced through probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, are used to establish earthquake loading requirements for the built environment. However, there is considerable uncertainty in developing seismic hazard models, which require assumptions on seismicity rates and ground-motion models (GMMs) based on the best evidence available to hazard analysts. This paper explores several area-based tests of long-term seismic hazard forecasts for the Australian continent. ShakeMaps are calculated for all earthquakes of MW 4.25 and greater within approximately 200 km of the Australian coastline using the observed seismicity in the past 50 years (1970-2019). A “composite ShakeMap” is generated that extracts the maximum peak ground acceleration “observed” in this 50-year period for any site within the continent. The fractional exceedance area of this composite map is compared with four generations of Australian seismic hazard maps for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (~1/500 annual exceedance probability) developed since 1990. In general, all these seismic hazard models appear to be conservative relative to the observed ground motions that are estimated to have occurred in the last 50 years. To explore aspects of possible prejudice in this study, the variability in ground-motion exceedance was explored using the Next Generation Attenuation-East GMMs developed for the central and eastern United States. The sensitivity of these results is also tested with the interjection of a rare scenario earthquake with an expected regional recurrence of approximately 5,000 - 10,000 years. While these analyses do not provide a robust assessment of the performance of the candidate seismic hazard for any given location, they do provide—to the first order—a guide to the performance of the respective maps at a continental scale. This paper was presented at the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2021 Virtual Conference, Nov 25 – 26.

  • Papua New Guinea (PNG) lies in a belt of intense tectonic activity that experiences high levels of seismicity. Although this seismicity poses significant risks to society, the Building Code of PNG and its underpinning seismic loading requirements have not been revised since 1982. This study aims to partially address this gap by updating the seismic zoning map on which the earthquake loading component of the building code is based. We performed a new probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for PNG using the OpenQuake software developed by the Global Earthquake Model Foundation (Pagani et al. 2014). Among other enhancements, for the first time together with background sources, individual fault sources are implemented to represent active major and microplate boundaries in the region to better constrain the earthquake-rate and seismic-source models. The seismic-source model also models intraslab, Wadati–Benioff zone seismicity in a more realistic way using a continuous slab volume to constrain the finite ruptures of such events. The results suggest a high level of hazard in the coastal areas of the Huon Peninsula and the New Britain – Bougainville region, and a relatively low level of hazard in the southwestern part of mainland PNG. In comparison with the seismic zonation map in the current design standard, it can be noted that the spatial distribution of seismic hazard used for building design does not match the bedrock hazard distribution of this study. In particular, the high seismic hazard of the Huon Peninsula in the revised assessment is not captured in the current building code of PNG. <b>Citation:</b> Ghasemi, H., Cummins, P., Weatherill, G. <i>et al.</i> Seismotectonic model and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Papua New Guinea. <i>Bull Earthquake Eng, </i><b>18</b>, 6571–6605 (2020).

  • We present the first paleoseismic investigation of the Hyde Fault, one of a series of north-east striking reverse faults within the Otago range and basin province in southern New Zealand. Surface traces of the fault and associated geomorphology were mapped using a lidar digital elevation model and field investigations. Trenches were excavated at two sites across fault scarps on alluvial fan surfaces. The trenches revealed stratigraphic evidence for four surface-rupturing earthquakes. Optically stimulated luminescence dating constrains the timing of these events to around 47.2 ka (37.5–56.7 ka at 95% confidence), 34.6 ka (24.7–46.4 ka),23.5 ka (19.7–27.3 ka) and 10.5 ka (7.9–13.1 ka). We obtain a mean inter-event time of12.4 kyr (2.3–23.9 kyr at 95% confidence) and the slip rate is estimated to be 0.22 mm/yr (0.15–0.3 mm/yr). We do not find evidence to suggest that earthquake recurrence on the Hyde Fault is episodic, in contrast to other well-studied faults within Otago, suggesting diverse recurrence styles may co-exist in the same fault system. This poses challenges for characterising the seismic hazard potential of faults in the region, particularly when paleoearthquake records are limited to the most recent few events. <b>Citation:</b> Jonathan D. Griffin, Mark W. Stirling, David J.A. Barrell, Ella J. van den Berg, Erin K. Todd, Ross Nicolls & Ningsheng Wang (2022) Paleoseismology of the Hyde Fault, Otago, New Zealand, <i>New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics</i>, 65:4, 613-637, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1995007