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The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.
Arcview GIS containing a regolith-landfrom map with associated site database. Most sites have a field photograph hot linked into the GIS. Complementary datasets include, digital elevation model and enhanced Landsat TM imagery.
The Cadastral dataset is the spatial representation of property boundaries and descriptions in the Barcaldine, Charters Towers, Flinders, Longreach and Winton local government areas. It is a fundamental reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland. This is a complete extract from the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Updates to this cadastre in 2012 will be released on the following dates: January 15 and 29 - February 12 and 26 - March 11 and 25 - April 8 and 22 - May 6 and 20 - June 3 and 17 - July 1, 15 and 29 August 12 and 26 - September 9 and 23 - October 7 and 21 - November 4 and 18 - December 2, 16 and 30. In 2013 the 1st release date will be January 13.
No abstract available
Outcrop geology was obtained directly from the following 1:250 000 map sheets: Marble Bar, Nullagine, Port Hedland and Yarrie. This dataset consists of both raster and vector data. Raster data which is unsigned 8 bit integer, can be viewed in Arc/Info, ArcView, MapInfo, ERMapper, ERViewer and ArcExplorer. Raster data which is 4 byte real data, can only be viewed and manipulated with an image processing package such as ERMapper.
The GIS is based on the "Mount Isa Inlier and Environs" 1:500 000 scale map (published in 1987), which was digitised and verified against geochemical and mineral deposit point data. A series of interpretative geological and geochemical coverages were derived from these map data and point datasets such as ROCKCHEM, OZCHRON, and MINERAL DEPOSITS. Geophysical byte images provide broad regional views showing the concealed extent of the province.
The integrated spatial database of geological, geophysical, geochemical and cultural data. Provides users with means of integrating and analysing data for mineral exploration and research. The area covered by GIS encompasses Broken Hill and Euriowie Blocks and comprises six 1:100 000 mapsheets; the Corona, Fowlers Gap, Broken Hill, Taltingan, Redan and Thackaringa.
Melbourne 2007 LiDAR data was made up of several project areas that were funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria that results in the delivery of 1m DEM and 0.5m contours, captured and supplied by AAMHatch. The Port Phillip and Western Port LiDAR Project was acquired for several local government areas namely, Bayside (20 April 2007 and 1 May 2007, 1km tiles), Boorondara, Glen Eira, Kingston, Port Phillip and Stonnington. Brimbank City Council, inner suburbs including part of the CBD area, Yarra River and South Mornington Coast data is in 2km tiles captured between 20 April 2007 and 10 July 2007. The Melbourne - Geelong Corridor area was captured between 24 April 2007 and 29 July 2007 for an area of approximately 145 square kilometres in 2km tiles. The data has an overall horizontal accuracy of 35cm and a vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <10cm. The data are available as mass point files (ASCII, LAS, shp, MapInfo TAB) with a density of 0.8- 0.85 points per square metre and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing and 0.5m inundation contours.
This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 21251 Antrim 100k 21250 Cow Creek 100k 21253 Gordon Downs 100k 21249 Halls Creek 100k 21254 Nicholson 100k 21248 Ruby Plains 100k 36853 Gordon Downs, second edition 250k
This map is designed to show broad regolith-landform units, giving a regional overview of the main regolith types and their associated landforms.Included are the author's detailed Explanatory Notes to the map.