Promotional Material
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2014 Open Day Promotional Material
Poster describing how GA made the WASANT palaeovalley map (GEOCAT #73980).
Promotional flyer detailing laboratory capabilities at GA.
This is a promotional flyer for the Austrlian Mines Atlas that is handed out at conferences and other events. The flyer explains what is available through the Australian Mines Atlas website.
Between 2006 and 2011, Geoscience Australia has acquired deep crustal seismic reflection and magnetotelluric surveys as a major component of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). All surveys have been conducted in collaboration with the relevant state or NT geological survey. The Seismic Acquisition and Processing Project provides precompetitive data for developing new geological frameworks for assessment of onshore hydrocarbon, geothermal and uranium resources. The Onshore Petroleum Project provides interpretation of the seismic data in frontier basins with petroleum potential and an assessment of the petroleum prospectivity of these basins. Seismic data can reveal basin and crustal architecture for potential hydrocarbons, image potential hot rocks (granites), and identify potential uranium deposit settings, such as craton margins and unconformities.
The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project was established under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (2006-2011). The project is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the geological surveys of all States and the Northern Territory. The primary aim of the NGSA project is to provide pre-competitive data and knowledge to support exploration for energy resources in Australia. In particular, it will improve the existing knowledge of the concentrations and distributions of energy-related elements such as uranium (U) and thorium (Th) at the national scale. To date, the project has completed field sampling and sample preparation. Outlet sediments of 1186 large catchments covering >6 M km2 (or 80% of Australia) have been sampled at 2 depths. Sample analyses are under way and will include total, aqua regia digestion and non-selective partial extraction element contents. By June 2011, the NGSA project will deliver a web-based atlas of geochemical maps, a database and a series of reports describing the project and its results. For more information, please visit or contact Philip Main (
GA through the Unlocking the Landsat Archive (ULA) Project is funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) to process and make available well calibrated Landsat imagery for the period 2000-2010. Having now processed this data to produce well calibrated optical surface reflectance data products at the National-Scale we are now able to promote these products through various means. This promotional animation shows the time-series "stacked" mosaics for each month of the year.
Poster display for the 2015 AMEC convention
To assist explorers, Geoscience Australia (GA) has compiled a fact sheet (2006) of products produced by GA related to those commodities (nickel, copper, cobalt, chromium, platinum-group elements, titanium, vanadium) associated with Precambrian mafic-ultramafic rocks in Australia. These products include national review publications (e.g., Nickel sulphide deposits in Australia), reports of metallogenic province studies (Kimberleys, Pilbara, Arunta, Gawler), and various maps, PowerPoint presentations, and digital datasets. Most products can be downloaded free through the www links provided on the fact sheet.
As part of Geoscience Australia's Southwest Margin Project, two major marine surveys were undertaken (from October 2008 to February 2009) to investigate the resource potential of deep-water frontier areas on the southwest Australian continental margin. 1. Southwest Australian Margin Regional Marine 2D Seismic Survey (S310) - Areas covered by the seismic survey include the Mentelle Basin, North Perth Basin (Zeewyck and Houtman Sub-basins), Southern Carnarvon Basin and the Wallaby Plateau. Data acquired: 7300 kilometres of 2D seismic (12 second record length, 8 km solid streamer), gravity and magnetic data. In addition to the new seismic reflection data, Geoscience Australia has reprocessed selected open-file industry seismic lines in the offshore Northern Perth Basin (11,700 line km) that provides ties to most wells in the Abrolhos and Houtman sub-basins. 2. Southwest Australian Margin Marine Reconnaissance Survey - The marine reconnaissance survey investigated the geology and marine environments of the offshore North Perth and Southern Carnarvon Basins and the Wallaby Plateau. Data acquired: multibeam swath bathymetry (230,000 km2), gravity and magnetics (25,000 line km), sub-bottom profiler (25,000 line km), geological samples (190 rocks from 53 dredge sites)