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  • Promotional flyer detailing laboratory capabilities at GA.

  • Poster for presentation at The Fire Weather & Risk Workshop (Perth May 2013) The Australian and New Zealand Disaster Management Conference (Brisbane May 2013) and The AFAC and BCRC Conference in September 2013

  • New ASTER GIS products in the Gawler-Curnamona Geoscience Australia, in collaboration with CSIRO and PIRSA are releasing a suite of 14 new ASTER mosaiced products for a significant part of the Gawler-Curnamona region. About 110 ASTER scenes have been mosaiced and processed into geoscience products that can be quickly and easily integrated with other datasets in a GIS. The products have been pre-processed and calibrated with available HyMap data and provide basic mineral group information such as Ferric Oxide abundance, AlOH group distribution as well as mosaiced and levelled false colour and regolith ratio images. These images, along with accompany notes are available for free ftp download online at: ASTER Project/

  • 2014 Open Day Promotional Material

  • National Geographic Information Group (NGIG) capability flyer for the upcoming Surveying & Spatial Sciences Conference 15-19 April here in Canberra.

  • media pack with information on new national datasets, map and book releases related to the IGC.

  • Eonomic Fairways Explorer video presentation for PDAC 2015. The purpose of this video demonstration is to show the Proof of Concept (PoC) of the Economic Fairways Explorer application, which enables users to perform "what if" economic modelling and scenarios using GIS data. The Economic Fairways Explorer application is based upon the CIAP framework.

  • Brief description of current and forward program in offshore frontier basins.

  • GA through the Unlocking the Landsat Archive (ULA) Project is funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) to process and make available well calibrated Landsat imagery for the period 2000-2010. Having now processed this data to produce well calibrated optical surface reflectance data products at the National-Scale we are now able to promote these products through various means. This promotional animation shows the time-series "stacked" mosaics for each month of the year.