The Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic Stations (AWAGS)
The Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic Stations survey was an array of 58 vector magnetometers covering mainland Australia, but not Tasmania, and comprised 54 portable three-component magnetometers plus four permanent magnetic observatories. Time-series of geomagnetic field fluctuations were recorded at 1-minute intervals with 1 nanoTesla sensitivity, together with sensor temperature and time. The portable magnetometers in the array were programmed to commence recording simultaneously on 18 November 1989. Most instruments were kept operating for a nominal interval of 8 months. The last data were recorded on 17 December 1990.
The survey was run jointly by Flinders University of South Australia and Geoscience Australia (previously the Australian Geological Survey Organisation).
Further details are available:
Welsh, W. D. and Barton, C. E. (1996), The Australia-Wide Array of Geomagnetic Stations (AWAGS): data corrections. AGSO Record 1996/54, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra.
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 1996-01-01T00:00:00
- Date (Publication)
- 2018-02-05T04:46:48
- Date (Revision)
- 2018-03-16T04:36:12
- Citation identifier
- Geoscience Australia Persistent Identifier/
- Citation identifier
- Digital Object Identifier/
- Cited responsible party
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Author Welsh, W.D.
Co-author Barton, C.E.
Co-author Chaumalaun, F.H.
- Status
- Point of contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Originator Lewis, A.
Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
- Spatial representation type
- Text, table
Spatial resolution
- Level of detail
Australia wide (not Tasmania)
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 18 November 1989 17 December 1990
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
Resource format
- Title
Product data repository: Various Formats
- Website
Data Store directory containing the digital product files
Data Store directory containing one or more files, possibly in a variety of formats, accessible to Geoscience Australia staff only for internal purposes
- Discipline
- Product
geomagnetic time series data
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research
Earth Sciences
- Keywords
Resource constraints
- Title
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- License
Resource constraints
- Title
Australian Government Security ClassificationSystem
- Edition date
- 2018-11-01T00:00:00
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Distribution Information
- Distributor contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Distributor Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
- OnLine resource
Download the data package
Download the data package
Resource lineage
- Statement
Not supplied
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Metadata constraints
- Title
Australian Government Security ClassificationSystem
- Edition date
- 2018-11-01T00:00:00
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Metadata identifier
- Title
GeoNetwork UUID
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
- Contact
Role Organisation / Individual Name Details Point of contact Lewis, A.
Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
Alternative metadata reference
- Title
Geoscience Australia - short identifier for metadata record with
- Citation identifier
- eCatId/116283
- Date info (Creation)
- 2018-01-31T01:38:35
- Date info (Revision)
- 2018-04-20T05:50:27
Metadata standard
- Title
AU/NZS ISO 19115-1:2014
Metadata standard
- Title
ISO 19115-1:2014
Metadata standard
- Title
ISO 19115-3
- Title
Geoscience Australia Community Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-1:2014
- Edition
Version 2.0, September 2018
- Citation identifier