risk assessment
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Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains the high voltage electricity transmission lines that make up the electricity transmission network in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The 2002 report to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) <i>Natural disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and recovery arrangements</i> advocated a 'fundamental shift in focus towards cost-effective, evidence-based disaster mitigation'. The report stated that in Australia there was a 'lack of independent and comprehensive systematic natural disaster risk assessments, and natural disaster data and analysis'. One key solution proposed to address this gap in our knowledge is outlined in Reform Commitment 1 in the report: <i>Develop and implement a five-year national programme of systematic and rigorous disaster risk assessments</i>. This framework is designed to improve our collective knowledge about natural hazard risk in Australia to support emergency risk management and natural hazard mitigation. The natural hazards covered are those defined in the report to COAG: bushfire, earthquake, flood, storm, cyclone, storm surge, landslide, tsunami, meteorite strike and tornado. Many events have demonstrated that the importance of natural hazards does not lie simply in the generation and passage of events such as severe storms or floods, but in the wide-reaching and profound impacts that these events can have on communities. Risk 1 is defined as: A concept to describe the likelihood of harmful consequences arising from the interaction of hazards, communities and the environment. This framework focuses on risk assessment for sudden onset natural hazards to underpin natural hazard risk management and natural hazard mitigation. The framework does not focus on risk management or mitigation, although its outcomes support and benefit these. The framework covers the following risks arising from natural hazards: financial, socio-economic, casualty, political and environmental risk. Each of these risks contributes to the overall impacts of natural hazards on communities . This framework is aimed foremost at those who seek an improved evidence base for risk management of natural hazards, in all levels of government. The framework is also intended for risk assessment practitioners, researchers and information managers. The primary driver of the framework is the need to develop an improved evidence base for effective risk management decisions on natural hazards. Developing this improved evidence base will also deliver on COAG Reform Commitment 1. Other key drivers include: - Cooperative approaches across all levels of government to managing natural hazards; - A consistent approach to natural hazard risk assessment; - Risk management for cross-jurisdictional and catastrophic disasters; - The potential impacts of climate change from possible changes in the frequency or severity of weather related natural hazards; - Increasing exposure of populations to natural hazards through demographic change and increases in personal assets.
Evidence based disaster management enables decision makers to manage more effectively because it yields a better informed understanding of the situation. When based on evidence, the decision making process delivers more rational, credible and objective disaster management decisions, rather than those influenced by panic. The translation of fundamental data into information and knowledge is critical for decision makers to act and implement the decisions. The evidence from appropriate information helps both tactical and strategic responses to minimise impacts on community and promote recovery. The information requirements of such a system are quite comprehensive in order to estimate the direct and indirect losses; the short and long term social and economic resilience. Disasters may be of rapid onset in nature like earthquakes, tsunamis and blast. Others are slow onset such those associated with gradual climate change. Climate change has become a real challenge for all nations and the early adaptors will reduce risk from threats such as increased strength of tropical cyclones, storm surge inundations, floods and the spread of disease vectors. The Australian Government has recognised the threats and prioritised adaptation as an opportunity to enhance the nation's existing infrastructure and thereby reduce risk. A thorough understanding of the exposure under current and future climate projections is fundamental to this process of future capacity building. The nation's exposure to these increased natural hazards includes all sectors from communities to businesses, services, lifeline utilities and infrastructure. The development of a National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) is a significant national capacity building task being undertaken by Geoscience Australia (GA). NEXIS is collecting, collating, managing and providing the exposure information required to assess multi-hazard impacts.
A study of the consistency of gust wind speed records from two types of recording instruments has been undertaken. The study examined the Bureau of Meteorology's (BoM) wind speed records in order to establish the existence of bias between coincident records obtained by the old pressure-tube Dines anemometers and the records obtained by the new cup anemometers. This study was an important step towards assessing the quality and consistency of gust wind speed records that form the basis of the Australian Standards/NZ Standards for design of buildings for wind actions (AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 and AS 4055:2006). The Building Code of Australia (BCA) requires that buildings in Australia meet the specifications described in the two standards. BoM has been recording peak gust wind speed observations in the Australian region for over 70 years. The Australia/New Zealand Wind Actions Standard as well as the wind engineering community in general rely on these peak gust wind speed observations to determine wind loads on buildings and infrastructure. In the mid-1980s BoM commenced a program to replace the aging Dines anemometers with Synchrotac and Almos cup anemometers. During the anemometer replacement procedure, many localities had both types of anemometers recording extreme events. This allowed us to compare severe wind recordings of both instruments to assess the consistency of the recordings. The results show that the Dines anemometer measures higher gust wind speeds than the 3-cup anemometer when the same wind gust is considered. The bias varies with the wind speed and ranges from 5 to 17%. This poster presents the methodology and main outcomes from the assessment of coincident measurements of gust wind speed.
Climate change is expected to increase severe wind hazard in many regions of the Australian continent with consequences for exposed infrastructure and human populations. The objective of this paper is to provide an initial nationally consistent assessment of wind risk under current climate, utilizing the Australian/New Zealand wind loading standard (AS/NZS 1170.2, 2002) as a measure of the hazard. This work is part of the National Wind Risk Assessment (NWRA), which is a collaboration between the Australian Federal Government (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency) and Geoscience Australia. It is aimed at highlighting regions of the Australian continent where there is high wind risk to residential structures under current climate, and where, if hazard increases under climate change, there will be a greater need for adaptation. This assessment is being undertaken by separately considering wind hazard, infrastructure exposure and the wind vulnerability of residential buildings. The NWRA will provide a benchmark measure of wind risk nationally (current climate), underpinned by the National Exposure Information System (NEXIS; developed by Geoscience Australia) and the wind loading standard. The methodology which determines the direct impact of severe wind on Australian communities involves the parallel development of the understanding of wind hazard, residential building exposure and the wind vulnerability of residential structures. We provide the current climate wind risk, expressed as annualized loss, based on the wind loading standard.
The term "Smartline" refers to a GIS line map format which can allow rapid capture of diverse coastal data into a single consistently classified map, which in turn can be readily analysed for many purposes. This format has been used to create a detailed nationally-consistent coastal geomorphic map of Australia, which is currently being used for the National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (NCVA) as part of the underpinning information for understanding the vulnerability to sea level rise and other climate change influenced hazards such as storm surge. The utility of the Smartline format results from application of a number of key principles. A hierarchical form- and fabric-based (rather than morpho-dynamic) geomorphic classification is used to classify coastal landforms in shore-parallel tidal zones relating to but not necessarily co-incident with the GIS line itself. Together with the use of broad but geomorphically-meaningful classes, this allows Smartline to readily import coastal data from a diversity of differently-classified prior sources into one consistent map. The resulting map can be as spatially detailed as the available data sources allow, and can be used in at least two key ways: Firstly, Smartline can work as a source of consistently classified information which has been distilled out of a diversity of data sources and presented in a simple format from which required information can be rapidly extracted using queries. Given the practical difficulty many coastal planners and managers face in accessing and using the vast amount of primary coastal data now available in Australia, Smartline can provide the means to assimilate and synthesise all this data into more usable forms.
Climate change is expected to increase severe wind hazard in many regions of the Australian continent with consequences for exposed infrastructure and human populations. The objective of this paper is to provide an initial nationally consistent assessment of wind risk under current cli-mate (residential buildings only), utilizing the Australian/New Zealand wind loading standard (AS/NZS 1170.2, 2002) as the measure of the hazard. This work is part of the National Wind Risk Assessment (NWRA), a collaboration between the Department of Climate Change and En-ergy Efficiency and Geoscience Australia (both Federal Government Agencies). It is aimed at highlighting regions of the Australian continent where currently there is high wind risk to resi-dential structures (current climate), and where, if hazard increases under climate change, there will be a greater need for adaptation. This assessment was undertaken by separately considering wind hazard, infrastructure ex-posure and the wind vulnerability of residential buildings. The methodology has determined the direct impact of severe wind on Australian communities, which has involved the parallel devel-opment of the understanding of wind hazard, residential building exposure and the wind vulner-ability of residential structures. We provide a map of the current climate wind risk for residential housing, expressed as annualized loss based on the wind loading standard as a proxy for the wind hazard. We also explore issues with the nationally consistent methodology through a validation process that considers a 'buildings level' assessment for four case-study regions utilizing an im-proved understanding of building vulnerability with respect to severe wind hazard.
Cliff Head is the only producing oil field in the offshore Perth Basin. The lack of other exploration success has lead to a perception that the primary source rock onshore (Triassic Kockatea Shale) is absent or has limited generative potential. However, recent offshore well studies show the unit is present and oil prone. Multiple palaeo-oil columns were identified within Permian reservoir below the Kockatea Shale regional seal. This prompted a trap integrity study into fault reactivation as a critical risk for hydrocarbon preservation. Breach of accumulations could be attributed to mid Jurassic extension, Valanginian breakup, margin tilt or Miocene structuring. The study focused on four prospects, covered by 3D seismic data, containing breached and preserved oil columns. 3D geomechanical modelling simulated the response of trap-bounding faults and fluid flow to mid Jurassic-Early Cretaceous NW-SE extension. Calibration of modelling results against fluid inclusion data, as well as current and palaeo-oil columns, demonstrates that along-fault fluid flow correlates with areas of high shear and volumetric strains. Localisation of deformation leads to both an increase in structural permeability promoting fluid flow, and the development of hard-linkages between reactivated Permian reservoir faults and Jurassic faults producing top seal bypass. The main structural factors controlling the distribution of permeable fault segments are: (i) failure for fault strikes 350??110?N; (ii) fault plane intersections generating high shear deformation and dilation; and (iii) preferential reactivation of larger faults shielding neighbouring structures. These results point to a regional predictive approach for assessing trap integrity in the offshore Perth Basin.
The Collaborative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Program 3.2 Risk Assessment is working toward a risk assessment procedure that integrates risk across the complete CCS system and can be used to meet the needs of a range of stakeholders. Any particular CCS project will hold the interest of multiple stakeholders who will have varied interests in the type of information and in the level of detail they require. It is unlikely that any single risk assessment tool will be able to provide the full range of outputs required to meet the needs of regulators, the general public and project managers; however, in many cases the data and structure behind the outputs will be the same. In using a suite of tools, a well designed procedure will optimize the interaction between the scientists, engineers and other experts contributing to the assessment and will allow for the required information to be presented in a manner appropriate for each stakeholder. Discussions of risk in CCS, even amongst the risk assessment community, often become confused because of the differing emphases on what the risks of interest are. A key question that must be addressed is: 'What questions is the risk analysis trying to answer?' Ultimately, this comes down to the stakeholders, whose interests can be broken into four target questions: - Which part of the capture-transport-storage CCS system? - Which timeline? (project planning, project lifespan, post closure, 1,000 years, etc) - Which risk aspect? (technical, regulatory, economic, public acceptance, or heath safety and environment) - Which risk metric? (Dollars, CO2 lost, dollars/tonne CO2 avoided, etc.) Once the responses to these questions are understood a procedure and suite of tools can be selected that adequately addresses the questions. The key components of the CO2CRC procedure we describe here are: etc
An increase in the frequency and intensity of storms, coastal flooding, and spread of disease as a result of projected climate change and sea-level rise is likely to damage built environments and adversely affect a significant proportion of Australia's population. Understanding the assets at risk from climate change hazards is critical to the formulation of adaptation responses and early action is likely to be the most cost effective approach to managing the risk. Understanding the level of exposure of assets, such as buildings, lifeline utilities and infrastructure, under current and future climate projections is fundamental to this process. The National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) is a significant national capacity building task being undertaken by Geoscience Australia (GA). NEXIS is collecting, collating, managing and providing the exposure information required to assess climate change impacts. It provides residential, business and infrastructure exposure information derived from several fundamental datasets. NEXIS is also expanding to include institutions (such educational, health, emergency, government and community buildings) and lifeline support infrastructure exposure. It provides spatial exposure data in GIS format at a building level and is often provided to clients for an area of interest. It is also designed to predict future exposure for climate change impact analysis. NEXIS is currently sourcing more specific datasets from various data custodians including state and local governments along with private data providers. NEXIS has been utilised in various climate change impact projects undertaken by CSIRO, the Department of Climate Change (DCC), the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), and several universities. Examples of these projects will be outlined during the presentation.