Authors / CoAuthors
Leonard, M. | Allen, T. | Sexton, J. | Krause, C. | Dunford, M.A. | Edwards, M.
The earthquake impact scenario outlined in this Professional Opinion was initially developed to support the Australian Vulnerability Profile (AVP) Project. The project is led by Emergency Management Australia and aims to better articulate what makes Australia vulnerable to disaster when severe-to-catastrophic natural hazards impact what Australians value. The Profile will narrate at the national level Australia’s vulnerabilities and contribute to a better understanding of where to target mitigation, develop policy and direct efforts to improve resilience. As part of the project, a number of workshops have been held with stakeholders to foster discussion amongst key government and non-government stakeholder groups and academic disciplines to inform how we strategically prepare for long-term resilience and how we can reduce and manage systematic risks. A scenario modelling a magnitude 6.5 earthquake near the Adelaide business district was developed by Geoscience Australia (GA) for use at the AVP stakeholder workshop, held in Adelaide on 23-24 November 2016. The South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM) has subsequently made a request to use this scenario for further detailed state-based planning initiatives. This report is being prepared to support these initiatives and provide the necessary background for future reference. This report provides the: • background to why this earthquake scenario was selected; • the geological and geophysical context in which it is placed; • the historical seismicity for the area; and • a qualitative description of the estimated impact to the Adelaide region. Key assumptions and limitations in the approach are summarised below: • A rare earthquake event was selected given the premise of the AVP project (i.e. severe-to-catastrophic event). • The event was modelled using GA’s Earthquake Risk Model (EQRM). • An Exposure Report is provided based on GA’s National Exposure Information System (NEXIS). • A qualitative assessment of impact is outlined based on the estimated level of earthquake ground shaking. In summary, this potential impact could be commensurate with that experienced in Christchurch from the magnitude 6.3 22 February 2011 earthquake.
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Provided to support the SA Government in using the scenario for state government planning
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Professional Opinion 2018/06
Developed at short notice following engagement with EMA in the AVP project - see HPRM 2016/6015
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[-37.2303, -31.1282, 132.8906, 139.9219]
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