Authors / CoAuthors
Australian Hydrographic Office
The Approaches to Darwin, Beagle Gulf bathymetry survey was acquired for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) onboard the M/V Limitless and PHS Zephyr during the period 26 June – 30 August 2020. This was a contracted survey conducted as part of the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP). The survey area lies North-West of Cox Peninsula, encompassing South Gutter and is bounded by North Gutter, Fenton Patches and Fish Reef. Bathymetry data was acquired using a Kongsberg R2Sonic 2026 and R2Sonic 2024 and processed using QPS Qimera V2.0.1. The dataset was then exported to GeoTIFF using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset contains a 30m-resolution 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF file. This dataset is not to be used for navigation.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
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Digital Object Identifier
- theme.ANZRC Fields of Research.rdf
- ( {1} )
- HVC_144641
- ( Theme )
- Marine
- ( {1} )
- Bathymetry
- ( Instrument )
- Multibeam
- ( Product )
- Bathymetric grids
- ( Project )
- AusSeabed
- ( {1} )
- Published_External
- Earth Science
- Oceans
- Seafloor Topography
- GCMD Keywords
- Earth Science | Oceans | Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography | Bathymetry
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Bathymetry Survey
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Series Information
AusSeabed follows the recommended processing methodology as prescribed by the AusSeabed Multibeam Guidelines. Please note that certain products are subject to routine update (e.g. resolution, coverage, temporal variation, guidelines/best practice). The client is advised to refer to the latest version of all documents and products for the most up-to-date material. For eCat records the version is expressed in the record title whilst products incorporate date of production as per AusSeabed’s file naming convention. This surface is a 30 metre Shoal Depth True Position (SDTP) surface derived from International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) Order 1A, 1 and 2 metre Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator (CUBE) surfaces supplied to the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO), with depth, position, density and uncertainty preserved from the original surface. Full resolution surfaces available from AHO on request under restricted licence. <br> <br> Survey metadata: <br> aho_id: 2313813 <br> version: 1 <br> name: SI 1002 Approaches to Darwin, Beagle Gulf, NT <br> nb-of-points: 5128 <br> north: -12.0973612 <br> south: -12.4180436 <br> east: 130.7173298 <br> west: 130.4173621 <br> boundingbox-crs: EPSG:4326 <br> start-date: 9-Jul-20 <br> end-date: 28-Aug-21 <br> survey area: Approaches to Darwin, Beagle Gulf, NT <br> platform-class: Ship <br> vessel: MV Limitless <br> surveyor: Mathieu Bestille <br> external-reference: SI 1002 <br> classification: Unclassified <br> abstract: This is a contracted survey conducted for the Australian Hydrographic Office by Precision Hydrographic Services as part of the Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP). The survey area is east of Approaches to Darwin, Beagle Gulf, NT. NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. <br> Lineage (Description): This surface is a 30 metre Shoal Depth True Position (SDTP) surface derived from International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) Order 1A, 1 and 2 metre Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator (CUBE) surfaces supplied to the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO), with depth, position, density and uncertainty preserved from the original surface. Full resolution surfaces available from AHO on request under restricted licence. <br> data-owner: Australian Hydrographic Office, Commonwealth of Australia <br> custodian: Geoscience Australia, Commonwealth of Australia <br> point-of-contact: <br> legal-constraints: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 <br> geodetic-datum: EPSG:4326 <br> projection: Latitude/Longitude (WGS 84) <br> vertical-datum: Mean Sea Level (MSL) <br> instrument-type: Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) <br> sensor-type: R2Sonic 2026 & R2Sonic 2024 MBES <br> sensor-frequency: 400 kHz <br> horizontal-positioning-method: Applanix POS MV GNSS with satellite corrections from the Fugro MarineSTAR network <br> vertical-reduction-method: Reduced to LAT using an AHO approved tidal model based on observed tides. Final adjustment to MSL by AHO <br> accepted-soundings-accuracy (unit(m)): 0.2 <br> accepted-positional-accuracy (unit(m)): 1.6 <br> accepted-survey-order: Order 1A <br> accepted-survey-order-url: › pubs › S-44_Edition_6.0.0_EN.pdf <br> usage-limitation: Not to be used for Navigation <br> contact-address: 8 Station St, Wollongong, NSW, Australia 2500 <br> GCMD-keyword: EARTH SCIENCE>OCEANS>BATHYMETRY/SEAFLOOR TOPOGRAPHY <br> GA-keyword: AusSeabed, Bathymetry, Marine, Bathymetry Grids <br> name of survey contractor: Precision Hydrographic Services <br> statement_of_requirements: HIPP SOR 2020 v1.2 <br> year of installation: 2021 <br> number of sensor heads: 2 <br> number of soundings: Up to 1024 per ping <br> beamwidth along track (degree): 1 <br> beamwidth across track (degree): 0.5 <br> pulse length (µs): 15 <br> absorption (dB/km): N/A <br> selectable depth range (m): N/A <br> vessel speed (kt): 7 <br> start location: Darwin, NT <br> end location: Darwin, NT <br> sensor operating mode: N/A <br> sensor swath (degrees): 120 <br> grid sounding density: 95% of nodes >5 soundings per node at survey resolution <br> processing software: QPS Qimera V2.2.3 <br> processing methodology: Processed in accordance with HIPP Statement of Requirements 2020 v1.2 using Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator (CUBE) techniques, 1 and 2m CUBE surfaces generated as the final L3 dataset. <br> grid resolution (m): 30 <br> number of grids: 1 <br> <br> <br> Processing methodology: <br> This dataset was produced using CARIS HIPS & SIPS as follow: <br> 1. Processed in accordance with HIPP SOR 2020v 1.2 using CUBE techniques, 1m and 2m CUBE surfaces generated as the final L3 product (a gridded surface derived from cleaned point data). <br> 2. Data was provided to Geoscience Australia for publication. <br> 3. The final processed grid was exported as a 32-bit floating point Geotiff at 30 m resolution, referenced to MSL, WGS 84 (EPSG:4326). <br> <br> DATA QUALITY <br> <br> This dataset has been subject to independent post-production validation and testing. Tests have been performed for data completeness, correct spatial representation, attribute accuracy, logical consistency, metadata completeness and correctness, and where appropriate for compliance with Geoscience Australia's data dictionaries. <br> Errors found in this dataset should be reported to: <br> Corporate Data Manager <br> Geoscience Australia <br> GPO Box 378 <br> Canberra ACT 2601, Australia <br> Email: <br> Reported Errors will be rectified in subsequent data releases, if any. <br>
Parent Information
[-12.418, -12.0974, 130.4174, 130.7173]
Reference System
MSL depth (EPSG:5715)
Spatial Resolution
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