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  • <div>As a resource to enhance exploration in the offshore Otway Basin, Geoscience Australia (GA) has produced a new well folio that extends the scope of a previous release by including 32 key wells from the central and southeast regions. This folio covers the areas from Normanby 1 on the Normanby Terrace, through the Shipwreck Trough and Nelson Sub-basin, to Whelk 1 in the south. The previous well composites included wireline logs for petrophysical analysis, interpreted lithology, organic geochemistry and organic petrology data, and well markers. This folio includes all of these attributes with the addition of core-based depositional environment (DE) and gross depositional environment (GDE) interval interpretations which were subsequently used to constrain wireline interpretation away from core control. The core/wireline lithological interpretation along with further seismic and biostratigraphic data informed well marker locations and enabled a better regional correlation across the basin. The folio provides the complementary datasets used to construct each well composite. Presented at the Australian Energy Producers (AEP) Conference & Exhibition (

  • <div>Geoscience Australia (GA) has produced a folio of 32 wells across the central and southeast regions. This folio covers the areas from Normanby 1 on the Normanby Terrace, through the Shipwreck Trough and Nelson Sub-basin, to Whelk 1 in the southeast. Composite logs for each well in the folio include wireline logs, petrophysical analysis, interpreted lithology, organic geochemical data, organic petrology data, and sequence stratigraphic markers. This folio also includes core-based depositional environment (DE) and gross depositional environment (GDE) interval interpretations which were used to constrain wireline interpretation of DE/GDE away from core control. The folio includes the digital data package used to construct each well composite. The new folio complements a recently published folio of northeast offshore Otway Basin wells, and both were designed as resource for exploration in the offshore Otway Basin.</div>