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The gnssanalysis Python package is designed to provide the public with a source of useful python functions and classes that help with processing of GNSS observations. The functionality found within the package includes: - reading of many standard file formats commonly used in the geodetic community including SP3, SNX, RNX, CLK, PSD, etc. into pandas dataframes (Also writing certain file formats) - transformation of data, for example datetime conversions, helmert inversions, rotations, transforming geodata from XYZ to longitude-latitude-altitude, etc. - functions for the download of standard files and upload to other sources (e.g. s3)
Program PRINSAS (PRocessing and INterpretation of Small Angle Scattering data) takes raw SANS, SAXS, USANS and USAXS data, stores the data, and allows the user to further process and interpret the data. Although any small angle scattering data can be accepted, PRINSAS has been specifically designed for the processing and interpretation of SAS data for rocks and other media with a wide distribution of scatterer sizes.
This is Geoscience Australia's Earthquake Risk Model. It can be used to undertake (1) an earthquake scenario ground motion simulation, (2) an earthquake scenario loss simulation, (3) a probabilitic seismic hazard analysis and/or (4) a probabilistic seismic risk analysis.
No abstract available
iTimewalk App Software
Upgrade for software package for geochemical modelling released in 1999. Available from OEMD on request to Evgeniy Bastrakov (a password is set for a particular user).
Software for machine to machine minting of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Minting of DOIs for datasets is facilitated through the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) as a member of DataCite.
SIFRA is the acronym for 'System for Infrastructure Facility Resilience Analysis'. The system provides an analytical approach for modelling the vulnerability of high-value infrastructure facilities by taking into consideration the fragilities and configurations of its constituent components. In doing this it uses a network theory based approach for modelling the facility and its operations. This method makes it possible to consider the discrete component-level vulnerabilities within a facility and, significantly, their system-level operational implications to the composite facility fragility. SIFRA also includes tools for modelling system restoration times under varied levels of resource allocation scenarios, and for identifying component criticality.
No abstract available
A software package for geochemical modelling. Available from OEMD on request to Evgeniy Bastrakov (a password is set for a particular user).