geoscience databases
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Petroleum prospectivity of the Tasman Frontier region: the vast, unexplored frontier at our doorstep
Extended abstract version of the abstract (Geocat#73747) submitted in March 2012 and accepted for an oral presentation at the symposium.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Geoscience Australia often produces spatially continuous marine environmental information products using spatial interpolation methods. The accuracy of such information is critical for well-informed decisions for marine environmental management and conservation. Improving the accuracy of these data products by searching for robust methods is essential, but it is a vexed task since no method is best for all variables. Therefore, we experimentally compared the performance of 32 methods/sub-methods using seabed gravel content data from the Australian continental EEZ. In this study, we have identified and developed several novel and robust methods that significantly increase the accuracy of interpolated spatial information. Moreover, these methods can be applied to various environmental properties in both marine and terrestrial disciplines.
11-5413 The Probabilistic Volcanic Ash - Hazard Map movie describes how you construct a probabilistic hazard map for volcanic ash, using an example scenario from GA's volcanic ash modelling work in West Java, Indonesia. The target audience is other govt. agencies both national and international, and the general public. The 3.3 minute movie uses 3D Max animations and 2D affects, has narration and production music. The narration will also be done in Bahasa Indonesian, at a later date.
Legacy product - no abstract available
AGSOREFS is a shared bibliographic database designed to serve two main purposes. First, it is intended to serve as a single reference pool for all AGSO relational geoscience databases, replacing a number of earlier reference systems. Its standardised references can be displayed from any Oracle database via a unique reference ID. Second, it is designed to function as a pooled reference system for all AGSO staff members. Users can select from it the references they want in their private lists, and can attach their own IDs and keywords. The menus, screen forms and reports used to input and view references, keywords, etc., are described in detail. Definitions of most fields in the database are given in some depth under descriptions of the screen forms - providing, in effect, a comprehensive data dictionary of the database. The database schema, with all definitions of tables, views and indexes is listed in an appendix to the guide. Instructions are given in a second appendix on how to parse and bulk-load references from documents and other databases.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Documentation describing the ROCKCHEM version 1 release of the Alkaline Rocks of Australia subset. Also describes the structure of the Oracle database.
Legacy product - no abstract available
AGSO's Rock Store Database, or 'ROCSTOR' for short, is a new corporate database to assist with the organisation and management of AGSO's Fyshwick Rock Store facility. It is designed to efficiently catalogue and locate the contents of the Rock Store and to assist with loans of material, both to AGSO staff and bona fide external clients. It has a link to the OZROX Field Geology Database for the details of sample location, geology, lithology, etc. ROCSTOR is the first AGSO database to be implemented as a proper client/server database application, with graphical screen windows that take full advantage of the Microsoft Windows environment (and, if necessary, other GUI environments as well).This Record provides a full description of the database and is also a guide to users. All screen windows, their fields and operating procedures are described in some detail, and a full schema for the database is given as an appendix.