energy infrastructure
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A newsletter to Project Stakeholders to inform of progress and future events
This report has been prepared at the request of Engineers of the Department of Works and Housing. The writer spent a day with Mr. Crotty examining the site, and another day alone studying general geological conditions relevant to the proposed scheme. The visit and its findings are outlined in this report.
At the request of the Tasmanian Hydro-Electric Commission a geophysical survey was carried out along a tunnel line at Trevallyn, a suburb of Launceston, North Eastern Tasmania. The excavation of the Trevallyn tunnel is part of the Hydro-Electric Trevallyn Power Development project to utilise the water of the South Esk river for generation of electric power. The construction works are already well advanced. A dam is being built on the river at the Second Basin. Water from the catchment will be diverted through a tunnel two miles long to a power station situated at sea level on the Tamar River. A locality map is given in Plate 1. Three geophysical exploration methods, electrical, seismic and gravitational, were used to locate deeply weathered and fractured zones in the dolerite bedrock, through which the tunnel is being driven.
This point dataset contains the major airport fuel storage and supply facilities in Australia.
The purpose of The Energy Infrastructure Australia Map, is to provide an overview of the location of Energy Infrastructure facilities in Australia.
High voltage transmission towers are key linear assets that supply electricity to communities and key industries and are constantly exposed to wind effects where they traverse steep topography or open terrain. Lattice type high voltage transmission towers are highly optimised structures to minimise cost and reserve strength at design wind speeds (Albermani and Kitipornchai, 2003). The structures are tested under static loading conditions for specified load cases at the design stage. However, the interconnected nature of the lattice towers and conductors present a complex response under dynamic wind loading in service (Fujimura,, 2007). The transmission tower's survival under severe wind and additional load transfer due to collapse of its neighbours is difficult to assess through modelling. Furthermore, the lack of data in the industry doesn't allow for a probabilistic analysis based on history (Abdallah,, 2008). Hence, there is a need for developing an alternative methodology for analysing transmission tower collapse and survival of transmission lines subjected to cyclonic winds utilising design information, limited field data and industry expertise.
The Paterson airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey is Australia's first regional AEM survey, flown between September 2007 and August 2008 under the auspices of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). The survey was flown over the Archean eastern Pilbara, the Palaeoproterozoic Rudall Complex and the Neoproterozoic Yeneena Basin (both of which comprise the Paterson Orogen) and on-lapping sediments of the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Officer Basin and Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Canning Basin. The survey was flown at line spacings of 6, 2 and 1 km and 200 m for a total area of 45,330 km2 targeting known mineral deposits and other highly prospective rocks under cover. The survey was designed to provide pre-competitive data to reduce exploration risk primarily for uranium but also for other metals as well as groundwater resources for local indigenous communities and mineral exploration.
This animation illustrates the various stages of development of Hot Rock geothermal resources for electricity generation. The animations were produced in GAV by the 3D animator, using 3D Studio Max software. Professional voice-over has been added, as well as sound effects. This version is based on the original version - 08-3385, geocat no.68461.
The Australian Energy Resource Assessment examines the nation's identified and potential energy resources ranging from fossil fuels and uranium to renewables. The assessment reviews the factors likely to influence the use of Australia's energy resources to 2030, including the technologies being developed to extract energy more efficiently and cleanly from existing and new energy sources. Australia has an abundant and diverse range of energy resources. It has very large coal resources that underpin exports and low-cost domestic electricity production, more than one third of the world's known uranium resources, and substantial conventional gas and coal seam gas resources. These can support Australia's domestic needs and exports for many years to come. Identified resources of crude oil, condensate and liquefied petroleum gas are more limited and Australia is increasingly reliant on imports for transport fuels. Australia has a rich diversity of renewable energy resources (wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave, tidal, bioenergy) with low greenhouse gas emissions. With the exception of hydro and wind energy (which is growing strongly) many of these resources are largely undeveloped, constrained by the current immaturity of technologies. The expected advances in technology by 2030 will allow them to make a growing contribution to Australia's future energy supply. Australia's energy consumption pattern is expected to change significantly by 2030. While fossil fuels (coal, oil and increasingly gas) will continue to dominate the energy mix, renewable energy sources, notably wind, are expected to become increasingly more significant. Chapter 1 is an executive summary of key assessment findings. Chapter 2 presents an integrated synthesis of all Australia resources and markets. Individual resource chapters each consider world and Australian resources and markets, examines key factors in utilising the resource, and the resource and market outlook to 2030. The Australian Energy Resource Assessment was undertaken jointly by Geoscience Australia and the <a href="">Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)</a> at the request of the <a href="">Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism</a> as a contribution to future energy policy. Bibliographic reference: Geoscience Australia and ABARE, 2010, Australian Energy Resource Assessment, Canberra.
Presented to the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC), Perth, March 2007