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  • Following the publication of Geoscience Australia record 2014/09: Petroleum geology inventory of Australia's offshore frontier basins by Totterdell et. al, (2014), the onshore petroleum section embarked upon a similar project for onshore Australian basins. The purpose of this project is to provide a thorough basis for whole of basin information to advise the Australia Government and other stakeholders, such as the petroleum industry, regarding the exploration status and prospectivity of onshore Australian basins. Eight onshore Australian basins have been selected for this volume and these include: the McArthur, South Nicholson, Georgina, Amadeus, Warburton, Wiso, Galilee and Cooper basins. This record provides a comprehensive whole of basin inventory of the geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage for these eight onshore Australian basins. It draws on precompetitive work programs by Geoscience Australia as well as publicly available exploration results and geoscience literature. Furthermore, the record provides an assessment of issues and unanswered questions and recommends future work directions to meet these unknowns.

  • The Western Davenport region has been identified as an area of interest for future agricultural development. However, realisation of this potential depends on access to a reliable supply of groundwater, underpinned by rigorous geological and groundwater information. A three-dimensional stratigraphic model has been created for the Western Davenport area of the Southern Stuart Corridor project under the Exploring for the Future program. Our interpretation integrates airborne electromagnetic data with historical drillhole and outcrop data to improve geological and hydrogeological understanding. Results show that stratigraphies of the Wiso and Georgina basins are equivalent and laterally continuous in this area. This enables a more complete hydrostratigraphy to be defined and underpins improved hydrogeological conceptualisation. New hydrochemical data support the conceptual model that the aquifers of the Wiso and Georgina basins are interconnected at a regional scale. The initial assessment of water quality indicates that groundwater may support further agricultural development. Analysis of new water chemistry data has improved understanding of groundwater processes and potential areas of recharge. This work will inform management decisions to enhance the economic and social opportunities in the Western Davenport area, while protecting the environmental and cultural value of water resources. <b>Citation:</b> Northey, J.E., Clark, A.D., Smith, M.L. and Hostetler, S., 2020. Delineation of geology and groundwater resources in a frontier region: Western Davenport, Northern Territory. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.