Thematic Map
Type of resources
Publication year
Map showing the whole extent of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction. Produced for the Australian Customs Service (Border Protection) with simplified legend showing 2012 confirmed CS and unconfirmed areas. Represented in LOSAMBA base products data as "simplified_maritime_jurisdiction_November2012.jpg" files. Also in directory for Border Protection - Task 661 - GeoCat73979..
Areas of overlapping jurisdiction under Article 7 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and theGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries
Map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in December 2008 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim (Q6040 of 2001) as mofidied and the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery. For confidental/internal use by AGS and not for general release.
Collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Attorney Generals Department. The map series depicts local government areas in WA eligible for NDRRA assistance following natural disasters.
This map shows the boundary of the Maratime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maratime Transport Office Security Act 2003. 4 sheets (colour) October 2009 Not for sale or public distribution. Contact Manager LOSAMBA project.
Seabed boundary under Article 1 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (1997) Diagram AU/INDON-10 Refer to previous GeoCat 65639 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at: Note that this is a signed text but has not yet entered into force
Map showing Australia's Offshore Facilities in the Timor Sea together with Australia's maritime boundaries on a blue imagery background made from data collected from research vessels and/or derived from satellite imagery. Produced at the request of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship May 2009.
Map produced for CDPP court case - SIEV 141 This map was produced for Grant Boyes on 30 April 2012 & 1 May 2012
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea on a blue imagery background made from data collected from research vessels and/or derived from satellite imagery. For internal use as at 27 sept 2009.
This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 1 sheet (Colour) December 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD