PMD*CRC Publication
Type of resources
Publication year
Fluids F4 Project reports Annual Report 2003
F1/2 Annual Report 2002
F1 December 2002 Quarterly Report
Geochemical modelling tools in predictive mineral discovery. In: Muhling J., Goldfarb R., Vielreicher N., Bierlein F., Stumpfl E., Groves D.I and Kenworth S., eds. 2004. SEG 2004 Predictive Mineral Discovery Under Cover; Extended Abstracts. Centre for Global Metallogeny, The University of Western Australia. Publication No. 33. pp. 6-11.
A1 Quarterly report (31/03/04)
Geochronological constraints on tourmaline formation in the Western Fold Belt of the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: Evidence for large-scale metamorphism at 1.57 Ga?
Teaching Materials - Lecture N2 Mechanical modeling
The I7 3D Model - 3D Lithologies and time space correlations P1
Thermo-barometric Evolution of the Eastern Yilgarn Craton. B. Goscombe, R. Blewett, K, Cznarnota, R. Maas and B. Groenewald
Fluid Flow in 3D Strike slips fault systems