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  • Residual CO2 saturation (Sgr-CO2) is considered one of the most important trapping mechanisms for geological CO2 storage. Yet, standard procedures for the determination of Sgr-CO2 are missing and Sgr-CO2 has not been determined quantitatively at reservoir until recently. This circumstance introduces uncertainty in the prediction of the nature and capacity of CO2 storage and requires the development of well test procedures. The CO2CRC drilled a dedicated well with perforations in a low salinity aquifer of the Paaratte Formation between 1440 - 1447 m below the surface of the Otway Basin, Australia, with the aim to develop and compare five methods to determine Sgr-CO2 (see also Paterson et al, this volume).

  • In the past two decades, multibeam sonar systems have become the preferred seabed mapping tool. Many users have assumed that multibeam bathymetry data is highly accurate in spatial position. In reality, both vertical and horizontal uncertainties exist in every data point. These uncertainties are often represented as one single measure of Total Propagated Uncertainty (TPU). TPU is important to understand because it affects the quality of products generated from multibeam bathymetry data. To account for the magnitude and spatial distribution of this influence, an objective uncertainty analysis is required. Randomisation is the key process in such an uncertainty analysis. This study compared two randomisation methods, restricted spatial randomness (RSR) and complete spatial randomness (CSR), in an uncertainty analysis of a slope gradient dataset derived from multibeam bathymetry data. CSR regards data error in every grid cell as independent and assumes that the data error varies within a known statistical distribution without any neighbourhood effect. RSR assumes spatial structure and thus spatial auto-correlation in the data. We present a case study from a survey of the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve in the Timor Sea, conducted in 2012 by the Marine Biodiversity Hub through the Australian Government National Environmental Research Program. The survey area is characterised by steep-sided carbonate banks and terraces with abrupt breaks in slope of limited spatial extent. As habitats, the carbonate banks and terraces are important because they provide hardground for diverse epibenthic assemblages of sponges and corals, with their steep sides marking the environmental transition to deeper water, soft sediment habitats. In this analysis, the data errors in the multibeam bathymetry data were assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation represented by the TPU. The CSR and RSR methods were each implemented using a Monte Carlo procedure with 500 iterations. After about 300 iterations, the Monte Carlo procedure converged for both methods. Results for the study area are compared against pre-processed slope data (Figure 1a). The averaged slope gradient from the CSR method is 4.5 degree greater than the original slope layer, whereas for the RSR method this value is 0.03 degree. Moreover, the slope layer from the CSR method resolves noticeably less detail than the original slope layer and is an over-simplification of the true bathymetry (Figure 1b). In contrast, the RSR method maintained the spatial pattern and detail observed in the original slope layer (Figure 1c). This study demonstrates that although the uncertainty in multibeam bathymetry data should not be ignored, its impact on the subsequent derivative analysis may be limited. The selection of appropriate randomisation method is important for the uncertainty analysis. When the data errors exhibit spatial structure, we recommend using the RSR method.

  • Geoscience Australia is supporting the exploration and development of offshore oil and gas resources and establishment of Australia's national representative system of marine protected areas through provision of spatial information about the physical and biological character of the seabed. Central to this approach is prediction of Australia's seabed biodiversity from spatially continuous data of physical seabed properties. However, information for these properties is usually collected at sparsely-distributed discrete locations, particularly in the deep ocean. Thus, methods for generating spatially continuous information from point samples become essential tools. Such methods are, however, often data- or even variable- specific and it is difficult to select an appropriate method for any given dataset. Improving the accuracy of these physical data for biodiversity prediction, by searching for the most robust spatial interpolation methods to predict physical seabed properties, is essential to better inform resource management practises. In this regard, we conducted a simulation experiment to compare the performance of statistical and mathematical methods for spatial interpolation using samples of seabed mud content across the Australian margin. Five factors that affect the accuracy of spatial interpolation were considered: 1) region; 2) statistical method; 3) sample density; 4) searching neighbourhood; and 5) sample stratification by geomorphic provinces. Bathymetry, distance-to-coast and slope were used as secondary variables. In this study, we only report the results of the comparison of 14 methods (37 sub-methods) using samples of seabed mud content with five levels of sample density across the southwest Australian margin. The results of the simulation experiment can be applied to spatial data modelling of various physical parameters in different disciplines and have application to a variety of resource management applications for Australia's marine region.

  • Wide-angle seismic data from ocean bottom seismographs, together with gravity and deep marine reflection profiling data along the Vulcan transect in northern Australia, define the crustal-scale features between the Precambrian Australian craton and the Timor Trough. The transect provides an outline of crustal and upper mantle architecture across the major boundary between the Australian and SE Asian plates when linked with earlier deep marine seismic profiling. Near the Australian coast, relatively unaltered Precambrian Kimberley Basin rocks are inferred to extend to the edge of a shallow-water shelf area (Yampi Shelf) with a crustal thickness of 35 km. The crust then thins to 26 km under the outer shelf near the Timor Trough. Over the same distance Palaeozoic/Mesozoic basin sequences are interpreted to thicken to 12-13 km, inferring an attenuation of Precambrian basement rocks from 35 to 13-14 km across the margin (ß=2.6). On the outer shelf, the Vulcan Sub-Basin is a trans-tensional rift within Permo-Triassic platform areas (Ashmore Platform, Londonderry High). Within the lower crust under major bounding faults at the sub-basin/platform margins, there are elevated P-wave velocities to 7 km/s, suggesting emplacement of intrusive, more mafic rocks at depth during basin-forming processes. At mid-crustal levels, near the top of the inferred attenuated Precambrian crustal rocks, there are strong near-vertical-incidence reflections at about 13 km depth that are interpreted to be a detachment or further evidence of intrusive rocks. Additionally, seismic energy reflected at wide angles from within the upper mantle at 38-45 km depth indicates that compositional boundaries/heterogeneities continue at depth.

  • A new Geoscience Australia Magnetic Anomaly Grid Database of Australia (MAGDA) has been developed. This database contains publicly available airborne magnetic grid data for on- and near-offshore Australia. Flight-line magnetic data for each survey have been optimally gridded and the grids matched in one inverse process. New composite grids at 250 m and 400 m grid spacing form the basis of the new fourth edition of the Magnetic Anomaly Map of Australia. Aeromagnetic traverses flown around Australia during 1990 and 1994 are used in both quality control of the grids they intersect, and also to constrain grid merging by forcing grid data, where intersected, to the level of the traverse data. Although matching and merging of many grids into a seamless compilation produces a pleasing result, without obvious short-wavelength artefacts, accurate long wavelength components of crustal origin are more difficult to obtain. Errors in the ?tilt? of individual surveys, due either to older instrumentation, errors in processing, or incomplete core-field removal, can lead to large long wavelength errors when hundreds of surveys are combined across thousands of kilometres. Quantification of the accuracy of long-wavelength components is only possible by comparison with independent datasets. A low-pass filtered composite grid of the Australian region has been compared with CHAMP satellite magnetic data, and shows a considerable improvement in the correlation of long wavelength components compared with the previous edition

  • Much of the deep sea comprises soft-sediment habitats dominated by low abundances of small infauna, and traditional methods of biological sampling may therefore fail to sufficiently quantify biodiversity. During feeding and burrowing, many deep sea animals bioturbate the sediment, leaving signs of their activities called lebensspuren ('life traces'). In this study, we use three criteria to assess whether the quantification of lebensspuren from high resolution still images is an appropriate technique to broadly quantify biological activity in the deep sea: 1) The ability to differentiate biological assemblages between geographic regions; 2) the ability to reveal known biological patterns across environmental gradients; and 3) correlation with other methods of biological characterisation often used in the deep sea (e.g. video). Lebensspuren were quantified using a univariate measure of track richness and a multivariate measure of lebensspuren assemblages from the eastern (1712 images, 13 stations) and western (949 images, 11 stations) Australian margins. A total of 46 lebensspuren types were identified, including those matching named trace fossils. Assemblages were significantly different between the two regions, with five lebensspuren types accounting for over 95% of the differentiation (ovoid pinnate trace, crater row, spider feature, matchstick feature, mesh feature). Track richness in the combined margins dataset was correlated to depth, chlorin index (i.e. organic freshness), and possibly mud, although the strength of the relationships varied according to the dataset used. There was no relationship to total organic carbon. Lebensspuren richness from still images was significantly related to lebensspuren from video but not to occurrence of epifauna. Based on these results, the quantification of lebensspuren from still images seems an appropriate measure to broadly characterise biological activity in deep sea soft sediment ecosystems.

  • This user guide describes the important instructions for using the Tasmanian Extreme Wind Hazard Standalone Tool (TEWHST). It aims to assist the Tasmanian State Emergency Service (SES) to view the spatial nature of extreme wind hazard (and how it varies depending on the direction of the extreme wind gusts). This information indicates detailed spatial texture for extreme hazard, which can provide guidance for understanding where the local-scale hazard (and impact) is expected to be greatest for any particular event depending on the intensity and directional influence of the broad-scale severe storm.

  • Atmospheric monitoring of CO2 geological storage has developed from a concept to reality over less than a decade. Measurements of atmospheric composition and surface to air fluxes are now being made at onshore test sites, pilot projects, operational projects and likely future storage regions around the world. The motivation for atmospheric monitoring is usually to detect potential leakage from CO2 storage activities that might affect health and safety or to test the efficacy of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a climate mitigation option. We have focused on the mitigation requirement, which involves determining whether potential leakage is below a maximum acceptable rate. Climatic considerations suggest that the maximum leakage rate of stored CO2 should be very small, of the order of 0.01% of that stored per year, globally averaged. Monitoring operational CO2 storage sites to confirm that potential leakage to the atmosphere is below this rate and to locate and quantify the any leakage flux can be a challenge, mainly because of the large and variable CO2 concentrations and fluxes in ecosystems and urban environments. We have developed and assessed atmospheric techniques during field experiments, during 4 years of monitoring the CO2CRC Otway Project, and by using model simulations. From this experience we are able to make recommendations about suitable technologies and strategies to optimise the capability of atmospheric monitoring of CCS in different environments. Abstract for paper to be presented at CO2CRC Research Symposium 2010, 1-3 December 2010, Melbourne

  • Seismic reflection and gravity potential field data acquired during the Geoscience Australia SW Margins Survey 2008-09 was used to investigate the distribution of volcanic facies and large-scale structural architecture of the Mentelle Basin, located on the southwestern margin of Australia. Based on structural differences the basin is subdivided into the Western (WMB) and Eastern (EMB) Mentelle Basins. Isopach and seismic facies maps were used to identify the thickness and distribution of volcanic facies. These maps show that volcanism is generally confined to the Western Mentelle Basin, with two distinct areas of thick volcanic deposits occurring in the central and northern portion. Two and three dimensional gravity forward models were used to investigate the structural architecture of the Mentelle Basin. Two dimensional gravity modelling shows that the crust is extremely thin in the WMB (c.10km), associated with two mantle highs. The crust thickens from the EMB (>20km) towards mainland Australia. The two modelled mantle highs coincide with the two seismically defined areas of thick volcanic deposits. Analogue models indicate that rift related volcanism is generally confined to the locus of extension where crustal thinning and strain are greatest. Thus results of gravity modelling and seismic interpretation have been interpreted to indicate that Jurassic - Cretaceous extension was focussed in the WMB. This thinning of the crust and presence of mantle highs suggests that the WMB is a failed rift formed during the initial breakup between Australia and Greater India and abandoned at the onset of spreading in the Perth Basin.

  • In plate boundary regions moderate to large earthquakes are often sufficiently frequent that robust estimates of fundamental seismic parameters such as the recurrence intervals of large earthquakes and maximum credible earthquake (Mmax) can be made. The same is not true for the Stable Continental Regions (SCRs) of the world. Large earthquakes are so infrequent that the data distributions upon which recurrence and Mmax estimates are based are heavily skewed towards magnitudes below Mw 5.0, and so require significant extrapolation up to magnitudes for which damaging ground-shaking might be expected. The rarity of validating evidence from palaeo-surface rupturing earthquakes limits the confidence with which extrapolated statistical parameters may be applied. Herein we present an earthquake catalogue containing, 150 palaeo-earthquakes, from 60 palaeo-earthquake features, based upon a >100 ka record of palaeo-earthquakes recorded in the Precambrian Shield of southwest Western Australia. From this data we show that Mmax for non-extended-SRC is well constrained at M7.22 and M7.65 for extended-SCR. In non-extended-SRC the earthquakes are likely episodic with periods of quiescence of 10-100ka in between active phases. The largest earthquakes are likely to occur on pre-existing faults. We expect these results might apply to most areas of non-extended-SCR worldwide.