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  • The Lower Cretaceous Gage Sandstone is a deep saline aquifer which is overlain by the regionally extensive Lower Cretaceous South Perth Shale seal in the offshore Vlaming Sub-basin, Perth Basin, Australia. This paper is focused on the CO2 storage capacity estimation in the Gage reservoir by integrating both the well and seismic data. After a 3D grid system was constructed, well log interpretations, depth converted interval velocity and seismic relative acoustic impedance data were imported into the 3D grids. The volume fraction of shale was first constructed combining the neural networks modelling and residual stochastic simulation from the well and seismic attributes data. Porosity was modelled using sequential Gaussian co-simulation with the volume fraction of shale model. The CO2 storage capacity was estimated using the total pore volume and storage coefficients in US-DOE methodology. The best estimate (P50) of carbon storage capacity in the Gage Sandstone reservoir is 493 million tonnes based on the static reservoir modelling. This article was submitted to Energy Procedia November 2018. <b>Citation:</b> Liuqi Wang, Megan Lech, Chris Southby, Irina Borissova, Victor Nguyen, David Lescinsky, <i>CO2 storage capacity estimation through static reservoir modelling: A case study of the lower Cretaceous Gage Sandstone reservoir in the offshore Vlaming Sub-basin, Perth Basin, Australia, </i>Energy Procedia, Volume 154, <b>2018</b>, Pages 54-59, ISSN 1876-6102,