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The data covers an area of approximately 4000 sq km in the Namoi Valley, located around Narrabri, NSW. The LiDAR was captured by RPS Spatial in September and October 2013 with a point density of two points per square metre. The specified accuracies; 30cm vertical and 80cm horizontal, were achieved and verified through a rigorous network of check points and base stations. A set of seamless products were produced including hydro-flattened bare earth DEMs, DSMs, Canopy Height Models (CHM) and Foliage Cover Models (FCM). The outputs of the project are compliant with National ICSM LiDAR Product Specifications and the NEDF.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- Airborne Digital Data
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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SOURCE DATA NEDF Metadata Acquisition Start Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 Acquisition End Date: Friday, 4 October 2013 Sensor: LiDAR Device Name: Trimble Harrier 68i Flying Height (AGL): 1000 INS/IMU Used: H68-POSAV 510 - IMU14 Number of Runs: 398 Number of Cross Runs: 58 Swath Width: 742 Flight Direction: UNK Swath (side) Overlap: 10 Horizontal Datum: GDA94 Vertical Datum: AHD71 - using local Geoid model Map Projection: MGA55 Description of Aerotriangulation Process Used: UNK Description of Rectification Process Used: UNK Spatial Accuracy Horizontal: 0.8 Spatial Accuracy Vertical: 0.3 Average Point Spacing (per/sqm): 2.43 Laser Return Types: 4 pulses (1st 2nd 3rd 4th and intensity) Data Thinning: UNK Laser Footprint Size: 0 Calibration certification (Manufacturer/Cert. Company): Trimble H68_017 and H68_038; Limitations of the Data: The workflow and quality assurance processes were designed to achieve the Level 3 requirement for removal of significant anomalies which remain in the ground class (2) and achieve a ground point misclassification rate of 1% or less. The classification accuracy was not measured. Surface Type: Mixed Product Type: Mass Points Grid Resolution: 1 Distribution Format: LAS Processing/Derivation Lineage: The IMU and post processed airborne GPS logs were used to generate the LiDAR point cloud from the waveform instrument data. Raw LiDAR strips were levelled to establish internal consistency, merged and 1km x 1km tiles in LAS v1.3 format were created. An automatic classification algorithm was applied in TerraScan software to produce an initial classification of ground (2) and unclassified (1). High and low noise points were automatically classified. The ground classification was improved manually by visually scanning the ground surface and reassigning points from ground to unclassified to remove spikes and by assigning unclassified points to ground where the ground surface lacked sufficient detail to describe the terrain (ie large TIN triangles). On completion of the ground classification automatic algorithms were used to classify unclassified points to low vegetation (3), medium vegetation (4), high vegetation (5) and buildings (10). Water (9) and bridges (10) have been classified by manual editing. The workflow and quality assurance processes were designed to achieve the Level 3 requirement for removal of significant anomalies which remain in the ground class (2) and achieve a ground point misclassification rate of 1% or less. Water (9) and bridges (10) have been classified to Level 4. The classification accuracy was not measured.
Parent Information
[-30.714138, -29.687977, 148.079414, 150.168283]
Reference System
GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Spatial Resolution
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Source Information
The data covers an area of approximately 4000 sq km in the Namoi Valley, located around Narrabri, NSW. The LiDAR was captured by RPS Spatial in September and October 2013 with a point density of two points per square metre. The specified accuracies; 30cm vertical and 80cm horizontal, were achieved and verified through a rigorous network of check points and base stations. A set of seamless products were produced including hydro-flattened bare earth DEMs, DSMs, Canopy Height Models (CHM) and Foliage Cover Models (FCM). The outputs of the project are compliant with National ICSM LiDAR Product Specifications and the NEDF.