Authors / CoAuthors
Goodspeed, M.J.
The report describes work carried out during an ice thickness survey by seismic and gravimetric methods made in the summer of 1957-58 in MacRobertson Land, Antarctica. Methods used during the survey are described and the equipment used is listed in detail. Results have not yet been analysed fully but preliminary profiles are given. The accuracy limits applying to these profiles are given and future extensions of the calcu18tions are discussed.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- Seismic Dataseismic survey
- ( Theme )
- seismic refraction
- ( Theme )
- seismic reflection
- ( Theme )
- geophysics
- AQ
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Seismology and Seismic Exploration
- Published_External
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Antarctica and Greenland are characterised by the existence of permanent and continuous ice cover over the greater part of their area and by an extremely inhospitable climate. Small permanent settlements have been developed at a few places around the Greenland coast but the only settlements on Antarctica have been established for scientific reasons and most will only be manned for the duration of the International Geophysical Year. Nevertheless the study of these areas, and in particular the study of the extent, thickness and physical properties of the ice cover, is of great scientific interest. Measurement of the thickness and other properties of the Antarctic plateau-ice received a fresh impetus from the decision to direct particular attention to the Antarctic during the International Geophysical Year, 1957-58. Seismic ice thickness surveys have been and are being carried out by American, Russian, British, French and Australian parties, and the gravity meter is being used to give additional detail between seismic stations. This catalogue describes operations carried out by an Australian party based on Mawson, Antarctica during the summer of 1957-58. The author, a geophysicist with the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, was attached to the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (A.N.A.R.E.) for the purpose of carrying out the ice thickness survey. He had the active assistance and cooperation of the members of the 1957-58 party at Mawson. The seismic equipment, gravity meter and micro barometers were provided by the Bureau of Mineral Resources the seismic cab and shot-hole drill, together with all transport facilities and necessary supplies were provided by Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions.
Parent Information
[-75.0, -65.0, 60.0, 65.0]
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