Authors / CoAuthors
Contains boundary and attribute information for parcels of public, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land in Australia which are greater than 40 hectares. Selected smaller areas are shown by point locations (includes nature reserves, forests and Aboriginal land). Categories include: -nature conservation reserves -forestry reserves -Aboriginal land -water reserves -defence reserves; and -mining reserves. Attribute information includes (as applicable to the type of reserve): -State and reserve name -reserve type -administering authority -size (in hectares) -identification number; and -dates of original proclamation and latest update. Data have been collected for national 1:250,000 scale mapping purposes and may not meet the needs of all users. Free online. Available in ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif. NOTE: Data have not been verified by State authorities. Data have been collected for national 1:250,000 scale mapping purposes and may not meet the needs of all users. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia by State Currency: June 1997 (NSW); 1991 (NT); 1987-1991 (QLD); 1986-1990 (SA); April 1991 (Tas and Vic); 1988-1990 (WA) Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif Medium: Free online and CD-ROM (fee applies) Forward Program: Under review
Product Type
eCat Id
Contact for the resource
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- GIS DatasetThematic
- ( Theme )
- ( Theme )
- boundaries
- ( Theme )
- land use
- ( Theme )
- administrative boundaries
- ( Theme )
- National dataset
- ( Theme )
- dataset
- AU
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_External
Publication Date
Creation Date
Security Constraints
Legal Constraints
Maintenance Information
Topic Category
Series Information
Data were collected primarily for national 1:250 000 scale mapping purposes. Source information for key land tenure classes (including forestry, nature conservation and Aboriginal lands) have been extracted from State and Commonwealth Government gazettes. Declared areas and boundary changes are recorded from gazettals and data holdings are periodically verified by comparison with information obtained from relevant State authorities. The Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission and State government departments have provided information on Aboriginal-held lands which are not gazetted. Information relating to institutional, mining and other classes was obtained from published maps but has not been systematically collected and contains little attribute information. Public roads and smaller reserves in urban areas are specifically excluded. The remaining areas are largely freehold land or leasehold Crown lands and are not distinguished. Other information was obtained from published maps and Geoscience Australia's National Topographic Mapping Series (NTMS).
Parent Information
[-44.0, -9.0, 112.0, 154.0]
Reference System
Spatial Resolution
Service Information
Source Information
Source data not available.