South Australia
Type of resources
Publication year
Seismic data, calibration and State of Health files. 2005-2007
Seismic Station ADE Teleseismic times charts. 2002-2008
Seismic data, event information from temporary deployments in South Australia, 2002-2004
This GA Record report is one of a series of 4 reports undertaken by the GA Groundwater Group under the National Collaboration Framework Project Agreement with the Office of Water Science (in the Department of the Environment). The report was originally submitted to the OWS in July 2013, and subsequently reviewed by the SA government. The St Vincent Basin in South Australia is a priority coal-bearing sedimentary basin that is not currently slated for initial Bioregional Assessment.
Site data, including local contact names, addresses and phone numbers. 2002-2004
Scanned felt reports from 1902, 1954-2010. One pdf per event.
Calibration files and individual problems with South Australian Government stations. 2007-2016
The Pre-Cenozoic Geology of South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria removes Cenozoic geology. It is largely based on (1) the 1:1,000,000 Surface Geology by Geoscience Australia (2012) for New South Wales; (2) the Victoria seamless geology (2014); and (3) solid geology layers of South Australia by the Geological Survey of South Australia (2016), plus interpretation in GA of potential filed geophysical datasets, particularly magnetic data. The South Australia solid geology layers available on SARIG were used for Archaean to Ordovician geology of the state. Post-Ordovician geology of South Australia were interpreted in GA using magnetic data. The 1:1,000,000 surface geology map of the Mount Painter Region by S.B. Hore (2015) was also used. Solid geology was produced with the aid of interpretation of magnetic data for that region. For the Murray Basin and surrounding areas drill hole data were used to determine the geology under cover. Because extents of drill hole intercepted geology are not know in most cases. Such geology are shown as tiny circular polygons. The author thanks a number of state and GA geologists for their inputs at various stages of the project, particularly those who reviewed the data.
Logs and Calibrations of Seismic stations. 2005-2017
Contains Events, arrivals, locations and other eqfocus results tables, for the South Australian Government Seismic Network