Promotional Material
Type of resources
Publication year
Coastal, Marine and Antarctic geoscience magnetic display panel (Not for general release). Content as follows: Geoscience Australia (GA) maintains a marine science and data acquisition capability which supports the Commonwealth in addressing challenges facing Australia. GA provides marine geological and environmental advice and information to support Government planning in areas such as sustainable development of offshore resources, assessment and management of natural disasters, and policy for Australia's coastal zone, the offshore marine estate and the Australian Antarctic Territory. GA maintains a national archive of publicly available physical marine datasets and value added products including maps, techniques, models and predictions, ensuring valuable information is preserved and available to enable future science.
This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tools. This USB is based on the compilation on the GA webpage (eCat 101062). This version contains both English and Chinese translations of the USB interface and will be distributed at China Mining 2016 and the China-Australia Resources Investment Forum, Beijing, both in September 2016.
Poster for the 2013 ASEG-PESA geophysics conference in Melbourne. Detailing the forward modelling of gravity data along the 11GA-SC1 seismic line.
*This version of the USB will be distributed at the AMEC 2017 convention.* This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tools. The content found on this USB can also be found on the GA webpage (; eCat 101062).
A 12 minute, non-interactive overview of the aims, objectives and research methods used in the North Australian Basins Resource Evaluation (NABRE) Project, between 1994-1999. Includes Potential Field, Seismic, Structural and Stratigraphic information with interpretations of geological evolution and ideas for potential stratifrom base-metal mineralisation.
Promotional polo shirts designed by national Mapping marketing to encourage the use of paper maps in accompanyment to digital maps.
Eonomic Fairways Explorer video presentation for PDAC 2015. The purpose of this video demonstration is to show the Proof of Concept (PoC) of the Economic Fairways Explorer application, which enables users to perform "what if" economic modelling and scenarios using GIS data. The Economic Fairways Explorer application is based upon the CIAP framework.
To be sent as an ivitation to a workshop. Will not be available externally.
Listing of products available from Geoscience Australia
This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tool.