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  • map showing location of currently producing oil and gas fileds and potential future producing fields. Location and extent of oil and gas pipelines (existing and proposed) is also shown.

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • The annual Good Oil conference is a valuable evnue for the promtion of the open acreage for offshore petroleum exploration and the showcasing of GA's innovative work in petroleum geoscience.

  • The Browse Basin lies offshore from Western Australia's Kimberley region and hosts vast accumulations of gas and condensate, making it Australia's next major gas producing province on the North West Shelf. This presentation provides a summary of three areas of the basin where significant petroleum accumulations have been encountered. A summary of the regional geology, evolution and tectonic development of the basin is provided along with a discussion concerning the petroleum potential and reserves of the basin.

  • This article summarises the report by le Poidevin et al (2015) by briefly discussing three selected areas of the basin where significant petroleum accumulations have been encountered, and provides an interpretation of the effective system(s). For a full description of these and other major petroleum accumulations for the Browse Basin see le Poidevin et al (2015). A summary of the regional geology, evolution and tectonic development of the basin is also documented, along with a discussion concerning the basin's petroleum potential and reserves. The report by le Poidevin et al (2015) also contains appendices of shows by formation and accumulation data summary sheets for the Browse Basin.

  • The Exploring for the Future program is an initiative by the Australian Government dedicated to boosting investment in resource exploration in Australia. The initial phase of this program led by Geoscience Australia focussed on northern Australia to gather new data and information about the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources concealed beneath the surface. The northern Lawn Hill Platform is an intracratonic poly-phased history region of Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozic age consisting of mixed carbonates, siliciclastics and volcanics. It is considered a frontier basin with very little petroleum exploration to date, but with renewed interest in shale and tight gas, that may present new exploration opportunities. An understanding of the geochemistry of the sedimentary units, including the organic richness, hydrocarbon-generating potential and thermal maturity, is therefore an important characteristic needed to understand the resource potential of the region. As part of this program, Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses were undertaken by Geoscience Australia on selected rock samples from 2 wells of the northern Lawn Hill Platform.

  • Promotional flyer comprising map showing petroleum exploration permits, pipelines and basins in Australia

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Petrel 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • Australia’s Energy Commodity Resources (AECR) provides estimates of Australia’s energy commodity reserves, resources, and production as at the end of 2019. The 2021 edition of AECR also includes previously unpublished energy commodity resource estimates data compiled by Geoscience Australia for the 2018 reporting period. The AECR energy commodity resource estimates are based primarily on published open file data and aggregated (de identified) confidential data. The assessment provides a pre COVID 19 baseline for the production and remaining recoverable resources of gas, oil, coal, uranium and thorium in Australia, and the global significance of our nation’s energy commodity resources.

  • Promotional flyer comprising map showing petroleum exploration permits and current and proposed gazettal areas for acreage release. map is supplemented by short information (text) about geological aspects of release areas and summeries of Austrlaia's oil and gas production levels.