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  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Browse 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • No abstract available

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Offshore Canning 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Ashmore-Londonderry 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • This data set contains information on Oil and Gas pipeline infrastructure. This dataset has been converted from Microstation format used in a map "Petroleum Exploration and Development Titles" published annually in APRIL. Attributes have been added to comply with data standards and minor coding of line work has been achieved using annotation from the map. Further data has been added, specifically for the specific Acreage Release Areas.

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevat to the 2007 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geofrrame, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • Thumb-drive containing petroleum geological reports and data sets in support of acreage release and related promotional activities.

  • The Major Carbon Dioxide Emitters of Australia is a combination of a two digital datasets 'source_top50' and 'min_source' from within the publication: Bradshaw, J., Bradshaw, B., Spencer, L., Wilson, P., Simon, G. & Mackie, V. 2001. GEODISC Project 1 - Regional analysis, stage 3 basins and emissions mapping, Geoscience Australia, GEODISC1-2001-006 (CD). The top 139 CO2 emitters as of 1998 are included, representing ~43% of net national GHG emissions and 54% of the net energy emissions from the 1998 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Each emitter has information containing the following attributes; Facility, Facil_Type, Facil_Name, State, Emissions, Emissions1, Emissions2, Emissions3, 20Yrs_Mt, 20Yrs_Tcf, DataSource, DataYear.

  • This data summarises key stratigraphic, biostratigraphic, geochemical and hydrocarbon data for 25 wells in the Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia. These data are presented as 1:5,000 scale composite log images for each well, and can viewed (pdf format) and printed (encapsulated postscript - EPS - file included).