PMD*CRC Publication
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40Ar/39Ar dating of mica-bearing pyrite from thermally overprinted Archean gold deposits
Architecture: New knowledge from seismic surveys
Contrasting fluid systems, chemical gradients and controls on largetonnage, high-grade Au deposits, Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Y3 Annual report 2004
Deposition: Multi-fluid systems, depositional processes and targeting
List of samples collected for SEM, NAA and "34S analysis from the Menzies Boorara Shear Zone (A. Morey). Drill Samples
M. Heydari et al Komatiite alteration assemblages in the Kambalda Domain, WA.
Evolution of Pre-1.8 Ga basement rocks in the western Mt Isa Inlier, northeastern Australia - insights from SHRIMP U-Pb dating and in-situ Lu-Hf analysis of zircons. Precambrian Research, 163, 159-173.
Henson P.A., Gibson G.M., Debenham S., Kalinowski A., Barlow M. & McIntyre A. 2004. 3D structural model for the northern Leichhardt River Fault Trough and adjacent Lawn Hill Platform, Mt Isa. In: Barnicoat A.C. & Korsch R.J. eds. Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre: Extended Abstracts from the June 2004 Conference. Geoscience Australia, Record 2004/9, 91-94.
Evaluation of 40Ar-39Ar quartz ages: Implications for fluid inclusion retentivity and determination of initial 40Ar/36Ar values in Proterozoic samples