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  • Australia marine surveys base map

  • A bathymetric grid of the South Tasman Rise Region (Longitudes 138° E - 158° E, Latitudes 38° S - 54° S) is produced. In doing so, the individual datasets used have been closely examined and any deficiencies noted for further follow up or have been rectified immediately and the changes documented. These datasets include modern multibeam data, coastline data obtained from georeferenced SPOT imagery, hydrographic quality data, echosounder data from research vessels and satellite derived bathymetric data. A hierarchical system was employed whereby the best and most extensive datasets were gridded first and applied as a mask to the next best dataset. A new masking grid would be formed from these datasets to pass non-overlapping data in the next best dataset. This procedure was employed until finally the satellite data were masked. All the various levels of masked data were then brought together by the gridding algorithm (Intrepid - Desmond Fitzgerald Associates) and an ERMapper format grid produced. A grid cell size of 0.00225° (nominal 250m) was used with many iterations of minimum curvature gridding and several passes of smoothing. The final grid is available in ERMapper, ArcInfo and ASCII xyz formats

  • These colour and greyscale images are a digital pictorial representation of the 250 decimal degree bathymetric grid of the Australian region. This image is a dirivitive of the origional 30 arc second grid of Australia. There have been recent swath mapping additions to the origional in bathymetric data that have vastly improve the quality of the data and these images contain that information, they are however a work in progress and official higher resolotion datasets are expected in the near future. The original gridded bathymetry model for the Australian continental margin was generated from 14,000,000 data points gathered from numerous data sources and compiled by Cameron Buchanan at the Australian Geological Survey Organisation, as part of the Continental Margins Program. The database is a 30-arc-second model that can display undersea features as small as 900 metres (as seen in the images). The model has been compiled over several years from hundreds of marine surveys. It includes data acquired by industry and foreign agencies, and from over 200 days of modern deep-water seafloor swath-mapping surveys. In some areas not covered by marine surveys, it incorporates bathymetry data derived from satellite measurements.

  • The bathymetry contours are an interpretation of the the sea floor in the region of the Bremer sub-basin.

  • The contours of bathymetry of the Australian region is a dataset that contains digital bathymetric information in the form of contours. The contours were generated from Geoscience Australia's Bathymetry data. Contours occur ever 1000 meters from abyssal depths to 2000 meters, at which time they are at 200 meters intervals to 200 meters of depth, then 50m inervals to 100m depth, and finally 20m intervals to 20m depth.