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This dataset contains some of the interpreted basement and crustal features of the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia. Such features include faults, crustal fracture zones and basement terrains. These features were digitised from images that were scanned and georeferenced from the literature. The purpose for producing this data set was to compare some of the existing interpretations with each other and with the potential field data. These files are contained within the "faults_and_structure" directory of the CD-ROM. Files have been named according to the principle author and the year of publication and are listed below. cooper_1995_faults.shp - Map showing the location of the Sorell-Purrumbete Trend, Woorndoo Fault and Sorell Fault Zone as defined by Cooper 1995. Attributes include the name of the geological feature. finlayson_1993.shp - Map showing the major oceanic fracture systems and the area of extended Otway continental lithosphere as defined by Finlayson et al., 1993. Attributes include the name of the geological feature. foster_1992_faults.shp - Map showing the location of the Woorndoo fault zone, Mortlake discontinuity, Stavely Belt, Avoca Fault and Sorell Fault as defined by Foster and Gleadow, 1992. Attributes include the name of the geological feature. miller_2002_faults.shp - Map showing some of the faults interpreted by Miller et al., 2002. Major faults include the Moyston Fault, Avoca Fault, Mortlake discontinuity and the Sorell-Purrumbete trend. Attributes include the type of fault and name if known. woollands_2001_structural_zones.shp - Map showing the Palaeozoic basement structural zones of Victoria as defined in Wollands and Wong, 2001. Attributes include the name of the structural zone and sub-zone. woollands_2001_faults.shp - Map showing the faults that delineate the Palaeozoic basement structural zones of Victoria as defined in Wollands and Wong, 2001. Attributes include the name of the fault.
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- GIS Dataset
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- marine
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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Images were identified and scanned from hardcopies into a .tif format. The .tif files were then georeferenced using control points in Arc Info and Arc Map. The various faults and polygons were then digitised on screen using the georeferenced image as a guide. The digitising was completed using Arc Map. References for the source data are listed below: Cooper GT, 1995. Seismic structure and extensional development of the eastern Otway Basin-Torquay Embayment. APEA Journal; 35 (1):436-50. Figure 8. Finlayson DM, Finlayson B, Reeves CV, Milligan PR, Cockshell CD, Johnstone DW and Morse MP, 1993. The western Otway Basin - a tectonic framework from new seismic, gravity and aeromagnetic data. Exploration Geophysics, 24:493-500. Figure 3. Foster DA and Gleadow AJW, 1992. Reactivated tectonic boundaries and implications for the reconstruction of southeastern Australia and northern Victoria Land, Antartica. Geology, 20:267-270. Figure 2. Miller JM, Norvick MS, Wilson CJL, 2002. Basement controls on rifting and the associated formation of ocean transform faults; Cretaceous continental extension of the southern margin of Australia. Tectonophysics; 359(1-2):131-55. Figure 2. Woollands MA and Wong D (eds), 2001. Petroleum Atlas of Victoria, Australia. Department of Natural Resources and Environment. The state of Victoria. Figure A5.
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[-45.0, -35.0, 135.0, 150.0]
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