Authors / CoAuthors
Bain, J.H.C. | Retter, A.J. | Hanna, A.L. | Blevin, J.E. | Borissova, I. | Bradshaw, B.E. | Burch, G.J. | Colwell, J. | Krassay, A. | Pollock, R. | Miyazaki, S. | Moss, G. | Nicholson, C.J. | Rollet, N. | Ryan, D. | Trigg, K.R. | Liu, S.F. | Kilgour, B. | Stanley, S.
The data set provides outlines for the maximum extent of Australian geological provinces and their components, including sedimentary, igneous and metallogenic provinces, both onshore and offshore. These data were compiled as part of Geoscience Australia's integrated digital information system to provide improved accessibility and knowledge relating to the petroleum and minerals geology and prospectivity, and to provide a national stratigraphic and tectonic framework for Australia. The current dataset is not complete for Australia, and covers only offshore sedimentary provinces and a selection of sedimentary, igneous and metallogenic provinces in onshore Australia.
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Contact for the resource
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- GIS DatasetNational
- ( Theme )
- sedimentary basins
- ( Theme )
- metamorphism
- ( Theme )
- geology
- ( Theme )
- metallogenesis
- ( Theme )
- National dataset
- ( Theme )
- marine
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_Internal
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Series Information
Onshore - The data were captured using ArcInfo software at a nominal scale of 1:1 000 000. Geological provinces were typically delineated from regional geological maps and data, and where concealed by younger rocks, province extents were interpreted from geophysical data. Province outlines were captured by spatial data specialists, standardised and stored in an enterprise ORACLE database (PROVINCES) developed to store both spatial and a-spatial information.. Geological descriptions of each province were also entered into this database to complete attribution. Offshore - Offshore basin boundaries have been captured since 2001 using various sources and processing steps. In many offshore areas where basins had limited previous mapping, boundaries were interpreted directly from seismic reflection data that ranged from coarse grids (lines spaced 10-50 km apart) to regional seismic lines. Boundaries were interpolated between areas of seismic control, often with the aid of gravity, magnetic or bathymetric trends. For offshore basins with extensive previous mapping, boundaries were generally captured from previously published maps validated where possible using seismic lines. Basin boundaries were either digitised from base maps into Petroseis, or digitised directly on-screen as ArcView shapefiles using seismic shotpoint files to position interpreted boundaries. In many onshore areas, and some offshore areas, basin boundaries were provided in a digital format by state agencies. Basin boundaries were imported into ArcInfo to build topology and edit boundaries. Polygon coverages were then generated from the boundaries. These spatial data were then integrated with onshore data, quality assured and stored in the PROVINCES database by spatial data experts and database developers. Geological descriptions of each province were also entered into this database to complete attribution.
Parent Information
[-50.0, -8.0, 109.0, 173.0]
Reference System
Spatial Resolution
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Source Information
GIS downloadable dataset that has been extratacted from the Provinces Database. Available in Arcview format (shp).