Authors / CoAuthors
Geophysical Acquisition & Processing Section
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The data collected are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. This NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um is a complete spherical cap Bouguer anomaly grid for the NTGS Pedirka Gravity Survey (P202381). This gravity survey was acquired under the project No. 202381 for the geological survey of NT. The grid has a cell size of 0.00944 degrees (approximately 1000m). The data are given in units of um/s^2, also known as 'gravity units', or gu. A total of 11443 gravity stations were acquired to produce this grid.
Product Type
eCat Id
Contact for the resource
Point of contact
Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
Point of contact
- Contact instructions
Resource provider
Digital Object Identifier
- theme.ANZRC Fields of Research.rdf
- ( Data centre )
- ( Discipline )
- Earth sciences
- ( Discipline )
- geophysics
- ( Feature type )
- grid
- ( Place )
- Australia
- ( Place )
- NT
- ( Project )
- survey 202381
- ( Theme )
- GADDS2.0
- ( Theme )
- gravity
- ( Theme )
- spherical cap
- ( Theme )
- Bouguer
- ( Theme )
- complete
- ( Theme )
- ground digital data
- ( Theme )
- geophysical survey
- ( Theme )
- grav
- ( Theme )
- grid
- ( Theme )
- raster
- Published_External
Publication Date
Creation Date
Security Constraints
Legal Constraints
The Pedirka gravimetric survey was carried out as part of the exploration for the future (EFTF) program as a collaboration between the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) and Geoscience Australia. This survey forms part of the NTGS’s Resourcing the Territory Initiative, which aims to support resource exploration in the NT.
Maintenance Information
Topic Category
Series Information
This NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um is a complete spherical cap Bouguer anomaly grid for the NTGS Pedirka Gravity Survey (P202381). This gravity survey was acquired under the project No. 202381 for the geological survey of NT. The grid has a cell size of 0.00944 degrees (approximately 1000m). The data are given in units of um/s^2, also known as 'gravity units', or gu. A total of 11443 gravity stations were acquired to produce this grid. Three processes are required to correct the gravity observations for the effects of the surrounding topography: (1) a Bouguer correction (Bullard A), which approximates the topography as an infinite horizontal slab; (2) a correction to that horizontal slab for the curvature of the Earth (Bullard B); and (3) a terrain correction (Bullard C), which accounts for the undulations of the surrounding topography. The complete spherical cap Bouguer gravity anomalies were calculated by applying terrain correction (Bullard C) to the spherical cap Bouguer anomaly point data of NTGS Pedirka Gravity Survey (P202381). These terrain corrections were calculated using software from INTREPID Geophysics. The Intrepid algorithm utilises concentric rings subdivided into cells (Direen, 2001) to calculate the terrain correction. The terrain corrected data were then gridded using a gridding technique provided by the INTREPID Geophysics software package. The processed data are checked by GA geophysicists using standard methods for assessing quality to ensure that the final data are fit-for-purpose. Details of the specifications of individual surveys held in the Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD) can be found in the Second Edition of the Index of Gravity Surveys (Wynne and Bacchin, 2009). References: Intrepid Geophysics,; Direen, N.G., 2001. Application of terrain corrections in Australia. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.; Wynne, P. and Bacchin, M., 2009. Index of Gravity Surveys (Second Edition). Geoscience Australia, Record 2009/07.
Parent Information
Geophysical Data Collection - gravity
UUID - c6b58f54-102c-19e9-e044-00144fdd4fa6,
eCat ID - 74512
[-26.063728883255862, -24.05336978281555, 133.9556537185314, 138.08963158704248]
Reference System
GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Spatial Resolution
Service Information
Association Type - operatedOnBy
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um NCSS
Association Type - operatedOnBy
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um OPeNDAP
Association Type - operatedOnBy
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um WMS
Association Type - operatedOnBy
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um WCS
Downloads and Links
File available for download in various formats from the GADDS2 portal
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um file download
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um NCSS
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um OPeNDAP
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um WMS
NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um WCS
Source Information
This NTGS Pedirka Gravity 202381 Complete Spherical Cap Bouguer Anomaly CSCBA267um includes ground gravity data for the NTGS Pedirka Gravity Survey (P202381) acquired for the geological survey of NT