Authors / CoAuthors
Fisher, N.H.
At the end of 1945 the area dredged by the Bulolo Gold Dredging Co. Ltd. was 831 hectares. At that time 307 hectares remained to be dredged and of this 227 hectares contained soil which has been shown by soil analysis to be reasonably good. Resoiling would not be practicable on about 70 hectares of this area, as the Company plans to dredge this section twice, first with shallow and then with deep-digging dredges. Similar soil exists on 3-400 hectares classified previously by the Company as marginal ground, but which, since the increase in the Australian price of gold, is now probably quite profitable. This makes the total area that might be suitable for resoiling about 500 hectares compared to 1,281 hectares that either has been dredged or to which for other reasons resoiling is not applicable. Revenue to the Administration from the gold produced at Bulolo is over £1,000 per hectare from royalty alone and as most of the area has now been worked it seems questionable whether resoiling is worth further consideration at this stage. No provision was made for resoiling in the terms of the original mining tenements, but the Company's officials have expressed willingness to co-operate in carrying out the wishes of the administration. It has been considered impracticable now to resoil the areas that have been dredged or to rebuild the existing dredges for mechanical resoiling, but if the Department of Internal Territories considers that the matter should be pursued further, the Company might be asked to consider removing soil from the dredge path by bulldozer or other mechanical means and replacing the soil on the flattened out tailings after the dredge has passed; also to provide details of the economics of carrying out a similar scheme on the areas in which values were previously considered to be marginal.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- GA PublicationRecord
- ( Theme )
- economic geology
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- gold
- ( Theme )
- environmental
- PG
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Earth Sciences
- Published_External
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Series Information
Record 1949/102
Legacy product, lineage not available
Parent Information
[-7.5, -7.0, 146.5, 146.8]
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Spatial Resolution
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Legacy product, source data not available.