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  • Evidence based disaster management enables decision makers to manage more effectively because it yields a better informed understanding of the situation. When based on evidence, the decision making process delivers more rational, credible and objective disaster management decisions, rather than those influenced by panic. The translation of fundamental data into information and knowledge is critical for decision makers to act and implement the decisions. The evidence from appropriate information helps both tactical and strategic responses to minimise impacts on community and promote recovery. The information requirements of such a system are quite comprehensive in order to estimate the direct and indirect losses; the short and long term social and economic resilience. Disasters may be of rapid onset in nature like earthquakes, tsunamis and blast. Others are slow onset such those associated with gradual climate change. Climate change has become a real challenge for all nations and the early adaptors will reduce risk from threats such as increased strength of tropical cyclones, storm surge inundations, floods and the spread of disease vectors. The Australian Government has recognised the threats and prioritised adaptation as an opportunity to enhance the nation's existing infrastructure and thereby reduce risk. A thorough understanding of the exposure under current and future climate projections is fundamental to this process of future capacity building. The nation's exposure to these increased natural hazards includes all sectors from communities to businesses, services, lifeline utilities and infrastructure. The development of a National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) is a significant national capacity building task being undertaken by Geoscience Australia (GA). NEXIS is collecting, collating, managing and providing the exposure information required to assess multi-hazard impacts.

  • The tragic events of the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 highlighted shortcomings in the alert and response systems for tsunami threats to Western Australia's (WA) coastal communities. To improve community awareness and understanding of tsunami hazard and potential impact for Western Australia, the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of WA (FESA) established a collaborative partnership with GA in which science and emergency management expertise was applied to identified communities.

  • A review of the methods employed to collect 'buildings specific field data' following the impact of Tropical Cyclone Larry (March 2006) resulted in a plan to build a vehicular mounted rapid data inventory collection system to compliment post disaster surveys. The system assists to overcome issues related to restricted access, poor weather and difficult working conditions. The ability to quickly collect comprehensive information that is highly critical for both damage assessment and vulnerability model validation reduces assessment errors caused by rapid clearing of debris and repairs following the disaster, along with the use of tarpaulins which often obscure the level of damage viewed from the street. RICS consists of four 5-Megapixel Ethernet cameras attached to a tripod mounted on a vehicle, a GPS device and software written in C++. The images are compressed in jpeg format 'on-the-fly' and displayed in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) along with GPS location, bearing and speed. An additional display window shows the street-directory (UBD) roadmap and a GPS tracklog. Hot keys for instant damage assessment marking location and damage levels have been programed into the GUI. All images are geo-referenced and stored in a database.

  • Tropical cyclones, thunderstorms and sub-tropical storms can generate extreme winds that can cause significant economic loss. Severe wind is one of the major natural hazards in Australia. In this study, regional return period wind gust hazard (10 metre height over open terrain) is determined using a new methodology developed by Geoscience Australia over the past 3 years. The methodology developed for severe wind hazard (3-second peak gust) involves a combination of 3 models: - A Statistical Model (ie. data-based model) to quantify wind hazard using extreme value distributions. - A Monte Carlo method to calculate severe wind hazard produced by gust wind speeds using results from the Statistical Model. The method generates synthetic wind gust speeds by doing a numerical convolution of mean wind speeds and gust factors. - A high-resolution regional climate model (RCM) which produces gridded hourly 'maximum time-step mean- wind speed and direction fields. Area-averaged measurements from the RCM are 'corrected' for point measurement exposure by calibration with existing measurements. To assess model accuracy severe wind hazard return period levels (50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 years) were determined for a number of locations where a long observation record is available. Comparisons are made between observational and RCM-generated return period of gust speeds; and also with the Australian/New Zealand wind loading standards (AS/NZS 1170.2, 2002).

  • The 2002 report to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) <i>Natural disasters in Australia: Reforming mitigation, relief and recovery arrangements</i> advocated a 'fundamental shift in focus towards cost-effective, evidence-based disaster mitigation'. The report stated that in Australia there was a 'lack of independent and comprehensive systematic natural disaster risk assessments, and natural disaster data and analysis'. One key solution proposed to address this gap in our knowledge is outlined in Reform Commitment 1 in the report: <i>Develop and implement a five-year national programme of systematic and rigorous disaster risk assessments</i>. This framework is designed to improve our collective knowledge about natural hazard risk in Australia to support emergency risk management and natural hazard mitigation. The natural hazards covered are those defined in the report to COAG: bushfire, earthquake, flood, storm, cyclone, storm surge, landslide, tsunami, meteorite strike and tornado. Many events have demonstrated that the importance of natural hazards does not lie simply in the generation and passage of events such as severe storms or floods, but in the wide-reaching and profound impacts that these events can have on communities. Risk 1 is defined as: A concept to describe the likelihood of harmful consequences arising from the interaction of hazards, communities and the environment. This framework focuses on risk assessment for sudden onset natural hazards to underpin natural hazard risk management and natural hazard mitigation. The framework does not focus on risk management or mitigation, although its outcomes support and benefit these. The framework covers the following risks arising from natural hazards: financial, socio-economic, casualty, political and environmental risk. Each of these risks contributes to the overall impacts of natural hazards on communities . This framework is aimed foremost at those who seek an improved evidence base for risk management of natural hazards, in all levels of government. The framework is also intended for risk assessment practitioners, researchers and information managers. The primary driver of the framework is the need to develop an improved evidence base for effective risk management decisions on natural hazards. Developing this improved evidence base will also deliver on COAG Reform Commitment 1. Other key drivers include: - Cooperative approaches across all levels of government to managing natural hazards; - A consistent approach to natural hazard risk assessment; - Risk management for cross-jurisdictional and catastrophic disasters; - The potential impacts of climate change from possible changes in the frequency or severity of weather related natural hazards; - Increasing exposure of populations to natural hazards through demographic change and increases in personal assets.

  • Results from an audit of 32 petroleum exploration wells in the Bass Basin have shown that approximately half of the wells in the basin were invalid tests due to off-structure drilling or mis-interpretation. Of the remaining wells, primary reasons for failure were lack of effective seal, timing, trap validity, lack of access to mature source rocks or reservoir problems. In parts of the basin the regional seal (Demons Bluff Shale) has undergone a period of structural inversion during the late Tertiary resulting in seal breach. Anticlinal closures of Eocene age were particularly affected, while structures located on fault-bounded basement highs were less affected, and provide the only fields within the basin. In the Yolla and White Ibis fields, access to mature source rocks was provided by large-displacement, non-sealing faults, that linked the upper EVG reservoirs with deeper source rocks. Traps without this conduit have as yet been unsuccessful. Sandy units within the Eastern View Group in the Pelican Trough are tight reservoirs that have good porosity but poor permeability. This is due to diagenetic effects that prohibited the creation of secondary porosity and permeability. Although identified risks within the basin can be minimised, the key to successful exploration will be finding traps that were in-place prior to the generation of hydrocarbons, but did not undergo significant Tertiary inversion.

  • The Australian Government, through the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, recognises the need for information that allows communities to decide on a strategy for climate change adaptation. A first pass national assessment of vulnerability to Australia's coast identified that considerable sections of the coast could be impacted by sea level rise. This assessment however, did not provide sufficient detail to allow adaptation planning at a local level. Accounting for sea level rise in planning procedures requires knowledge of the future coastline, which is still lacking. Modelling the coastline given sea level rise is complex, however. Erosion will alter the shores in varied ways around Australia's coastline, and extreme events will inundate areas that currently appear to be well above the projected sea level. Moreover, the current planning practice of designating zones with acceptable inundation risk is no longer practical when considering climate change, as this is likely to remain uncertain for some time. Geoscience Australia, with support from the DCCEE, has now conducted a more detailed study for a local area in Western Australia that was identified to be at high risk in the national assessment. The aim of the project was to develop a localised approach so that information could be developed to support adaptation to climate change in planning decisions at the community level. The approach included modelling a historical tropical cyclone and its associated storm surge for a range of sea level rise scenarios. The approach also included a shoreline translation model that forecast changes in coastal sediment transport. Inundation footprints were created and integrated with Geoscience Australia's national exposure information system, NEXIS, to develop impact assessments on building assets, roads and railways. Studies such as this can be a first step towards enabling the planning process to adapt to increased risk.

  • In addition to the devastating 1989 Newcastle earthquake, at least four other earthquakes of magnitude 5 or greater have occurred in the surrounding Hunter region since European settlement in 1804. Some of these earthquakes caused damage in areas that, at the time, were sparsely populated. Similar events, were they to occur today in populated areas, would certainly cause significant damage. The frequency with which these events have occurred in the Hunter region suggests that earthquakes pose a genuine threat to the communities there. This study presents the most comprehensive and advanced earthquake risk assessment undertaken for any Australian city to date. It has focused on the economic losses caused by damage to buildings from earthquake ground shaking, and not on the impacts from other, secondary hazards such as soil liquefaction and surface faulting. The study has adopted a probabilistic approach that makes allowances for the variability that is inherent in natural processes as well as the uncertainty in our knowledge. The results from this project will assist decision-makers involved in local and state government, policy development, the insurance industry, engineers, architects, and the building and finance industries to manage potential damage and loss of life from earthquakes in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie. The results also have implications for the earthquake risk facing larger Australian cities such as Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. This is due to a number of factors, including similarities between the earthquake hazard in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie and other parts of Australia, and similarities between the urban environments, particularly the composition of the building stock.

  • Stochastic finite-fault ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are developed for the stable continental region of southeastern Australia (SEA). The models are applicable for horizontal-component ground motions for earthquakes 4.0 <= MW <= 7.5 and distances less than 400 km. The models are calibrated with updated source and attenuation parameters derived from SEA ground-motion data. Careful analysis of well-constrained earthquake stress parameters indicates a dependence on hypocentral depth. It is speculated that this is the effect of an increasing crustal stress profile with depth. However, rather than a continuous increase, the change in stress parameter appears to indicate a discrete step near 10 km depth. Average stress parameters for SEA earthquakes shallower and deeper than 10 km are estimated to be 23 MPa and 50 MPa, respectively. These stress parameters are consequently input into the stochastic ground-motion simulations for the development of two discrete GMPEs for shallow and deep events. The GMPEs developed estimate response spectral accelerations comparable to the Atkinson and Boore (BSSA, 2006) GMPE for eastern North America (ENA) at short rupture distances (less than approximately 100 km). However, owing to higher attenuation observed in the SEA crust (Allen and Atkinson, BSSA, 2007), the SEA GMPEs estimate lower ground-motions than ENA models at larger distances. The response spectral models are validated against moderate-magnitude 4.0 <= MW <= 5.3 earthquakes from eastern Australia. Overall the SEA GMPEs show low median residuals across the full range of period and distance. In contrast, Eastern North American models tend to overestimate response spectra at larger distances. Because of these differences, the present analysis justifies the need to develop Australian-specific GMPEs where ground-motion hazard from a distant seismic source may become important.

  • This is a short and informative 3.3 minute movie for the Engineering, Economics and Exposure Project - NEXIS Development for DCCEE - late 2010. It is a promotional movie that demonstrates NEXIS capabilities, and explains how NEXIS will be benefitial to the NEXIS stakeholder. This movie may also go onto the web, where it's purpose is to convince the public that NEXIS is a worthwhile investment in Australia's future.