marine jurisdiction
Type of resources
Publication year
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the East Coast Deepwater Zone Fishery. The series of pdf's are for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
This map shows Western Australian and Commonwealth fishing closures, marine conservation areas and maritime boundaries for the area from Perth north to Shark Bay. It has been produced for the National Oceans Office.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery. The series of pdf's are for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
Geological framework of the South Tasman Rise and East Tasman Plateau, Law of the Sea report
This map shows the area of the Kuuku Ya'u Native Title Claim, which extends approximately between Olive River and Nyllichi Point in Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. The map was produced for the Attorney-General's Department. Not for public distribution.
This map was produced as part of a 2006 series depicting Australian commonwealth fisheries and shows the area of the Southern Tuna and Billfish Fishery. The series of pdf's are available for public download from AFMA's website and the shapefiles for public download from GA's website.
This map shows the area of the Great Australian Bight Trawl Gulper Shark Closure - Southern Dogfish. Modified from GeoCat 65118 (2007) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No. 1 2009 - Schedule 17. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
Map produced for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade showing the maritime boundaries in the Timor Sea and the proposed 2D Seismic survey lines without the Bathymetry grid. For internal use for DFAT and is not for sale