Urban and Regional Planning
Type of resources
Publication year
The National Consulates dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known consulate facilities within Australia.
The National Foreign Embassies dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known foreign embassies and high commissions within Australia.
The National Broadcasting Studios dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of all known broadcasting studios within Australia.
The National Hospitals dataset presents the spatial locations; in point format, of known hospitals in Australia. The dataset is complimented with basic feature attribution for each feature.
The National Onshore Gas Pipelines Dataset represents the spatial locations of pipelines for the transmission of natural gas within mainland Australia complimented with feature attribution.
The National Local Government Association Council Offices dataset presents the spatial locations of all known Local Government Council main office facilities within Australia; The dataset is complimented with basic feature attribution for each facility.
The National Onshore Oil Pipelines dataset presents the spatial locations of pipelines for the transmission of petroleum oil within mainland Australia complimented with feature attribution.