Professional Opinion
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Enhancing Natural Hazard Risk Assessment in the Philippines - Completion Report
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Langoora 1 well was drilled by West Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd about 50 km east of Derby on a seismic anomaly thought to be associated with a Devonian reef complex. From the well completion report (WCR, Gardner 1963), Langoora 1 investigated the hydrocarbon potential of the Early Carboniferous Laurel Formation and the suspected Devonian reef complex. Drilling showed that the Devonian section sat uncomformably on Precambrian schists without any intervening reef complex. The well intersected Triassic (Blina Shale), and some Permian (Liveringa, Noonkanbah, and Poole Sandstone), before the first core was taken within the top of the Early Permian, Nura Nura Member (Fig. 1). Palynological samples from the well were analysed and reported on by Fowler (1963a,b), and forams were retrieved from the lowest core above Precambrian basement (McTavish 1963) . We summarise and update the information from these reports, based on other pUblished and unpublished sources, but also on a re-examination of some palynomorphs in the original slides (see Appendix).
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This report summarises new petrological, geochemical and geochronological data on the Mount Webb Granite and the felsic volcanics of the Pollock Hills Formation of the western Amnta Block. The new data confirms that this magmatic system has many similarities to other granites in other Australian Proterozoic regions where hydrothermal Au-Cu deposits have been linked to a magmatic source (Pine Creek, Eastern Mount Isa Inlier, Tanami, etc.). The key significant data are the primary chemistry of the units, the alteration present in descriptions and evidence of hydrothermal interaction with the local country rocks.
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This GA Professional Opinion report is one of a series of 4 reports being undertaken by the GA Groundwater Group under the National Collaboration Framework Project Agreement with the Office of Water Science (in DSEWPaC). TheOtway Basin in Victoria and South Australia is a priority coal-bearing sedimentary basin that is not currently slated for Bioregional Assessment.
Report on calibration of NAS Nowra compass swing site.
The aim of this document is to provide the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA WA) with a preliminary assessment of tsunami impact to Mandurah. This follows preliminary assessments to six South West (SW) Western Australian (WA) communities previously modelled (Carnarvon, Geraldton, Fremantle, Rockingham, Bunbury and Busselton) to underpin evidence-based tsunami planning and preparation activities. This also follows the preliminary assessment of tsunami impact for six North West Shelf (NW Shelf) communities that used deep water tsunami hazard information from the probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for WA. This hazard assessment has now been updated and completed at a national level. The current impact assessment draws tsunami hazard information from the more recent national tsunami hazard assessment that describes the probability of a given tsunami wave amplitude at the 100 m contour being exceeded.
The Murray Canyons area of interest extends across a series of two major Mesozoic basins (Otway and Bight), remnants of a thin Permian basin (Troubridge), and broad areas of thin Cainozoic cover over continental crust (Encounter Bay Shelf) and oceanic crust (Australia-Antarctica Basin). It has been possible to classify and map a range of different levels of petroleum prospectivity in this area by using a risking scheme that assesses the likelihood of hydrocarbon generation and migration, sealed reservoirs, and valid traps. The level of knowledge and confidence in the risk assessment is also incorporated into the ranking of petroleum prospectivity. Using this approach, its is possible to identify areas that are likely to be explored for petroleum accumulations. These include one proven prospective area (Outer Crayfish), four indicated prospective areas (East Ceduna, East Duntroon, Inner Crayfish and Morum Sub-basin 1), and one area with inferred prospectivity (Morum Sub-basin 2). The Murray Canyons area of interest also includes eight areas which are considered a high risk for the presence of petroleum accumulations, and are thus less likely to be explored (Trumpet Shelf, Couedic, Recherche-Hunter, Otway Thin Outer Cretaceous, Murray Canyons, Troubridge 1, Troubridge 2, and Encounter Bay Shelf). Two non-prospective areas are present where hydrocarbons accumulations are considered to be absent, and are unlikely to be explored (Otway Volcanic Buildup and Abyssal Plain).