NSD Source Dataset
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Publication year
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Rodney Borrego-Acevedo, Chris M. Roelfsema, Stuart R. Phinn & Alistair R. Grinham (2014) Predicting distribution of microphytobenthos abundance on a reef platform by combining in situ underwater spectrometry and pigment analysis, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:5, 461-470, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.922723 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Dekker, A.G., Brando, V.E., Anstee, J.M., Marks, A., Phinn, S., Roelfsema, C. Scarth, P., (2005). Final Report – Fitzroy Estuary and Port Curtis Remote Sensing Tasks (FE2 and PC2). Dekker, A.G. and Phinn, S (eds), Published by the CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management, Indooroopilly, Qld, Australia. For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Dekker, A. G., Anstee, J. M., and Brando, V. E. (2002) Seagrass change assessment using satellite data for Wallis lake. Canberra, ACT, Australia, CSIRO Land & Water. Technical Report 13/04 Publication: Dekker, A. G., Anstee, J. M., and Brando, V. E. (2005) Retrospective seagrass change detection in a shallow coastal tidal Australian lake, Rem. Sens. Environm. Vol. 97 (4), pp. 415-433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2005.02.017 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Jupp, D., Byrne, G. T., Anstee, J. M. McDonald, E.R., McVicar, T.R. ,Parkin, D; 1996 Port Phillip Bay benthic habitat mapping project task G2.2, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Consultancy Report 96/43, 47 pp, CSIRO Australia For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Rodney Borrego-Acevedo, Chris M. Roelfsema, Stuart R. Phinn & Alistair R. Grinham (2014) Predicting distribution of microphytobenthos abundance on a reef platform by combining in situ underwater spectrometry and pigment analysis, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:5, 461-470, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.922723 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Stevens, A., V.E. Brando, A.G. Dekker, J. Hodge, B. Farthing, K. Mengersen, K. Oubelkheir, Y. Qin, (2007). Remotely-Sensed Monitoring of Chlorophyll and Suspended Sediment in the Coastal Waters of the Wet Tropics Region: a demonstration project with national application. Report for Dep. Environm. Heritage. Published by CSIRO, Canberra, Australia:pp 143 For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database
Record for source data hosted in the National Spectral Database (NSD) Aquatic Library Citation: Jupp, D., Byrne, G. T., Anstee, J. M. McDonald, E.R., McVicar, T.R. ,Parkin, D; 1996 Port Phillip Bay benthic habitat mapping project task G2.2, CSIRO Division of Water Resources, Consultancy Report 96/43, 47 pp, CSIRO Australia For further information and instructions to access the database go to the following URL: https://cmi.ga.gov.au/data-products/dea/643/australian-national-spectral-database