Galilee Basin
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Publicly available geology data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This data guide gives examples of how the compiled data can be used. It supports a data package that presents core photographs, existing knowledge of the stratigraphy, and structural elements for the Galilee Basin and the overlying Eromanga, Lake Eyre and other Cenozoic basins. Stratigraphic frameworks capture the geological groups and formations that make up the sedimentary sequence in the Galilee Basin region. The Galilee Basin includes 4 stratigraphic groups. From deepest to shallowest, these are the Joe Joe Group, Betts Creek group, Rewan Group and Clematis Group. Overlying the Galilee Basin are the geological formations of the Eromanga, Lake Eyre and other Cenozoic basins. The frameworks include the stratigraphic intervals used by the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information (TEGI) Program. From the base of the Galilee Basin to the top of overlying Cenozoic basins, the sedimentary sequence is categorised into 15 play intervals for resource assessment mapping and 11 hydrostratigraphic intervals for characterising groundwater systems (Wainman et al., 2023). Structural elements maps summarise where the sedimentary sequence has been deposited and later deformed by crustal movements. Structure information is used in assessing the geological potential for resources and interpreting groundwater flow and connectivity at the basin scale. The stratigraphic frameworks and structural elements provide the basic geological context for the Galilee Basin region geological, resource and environmental assessments.
<div>The Australian Government's Trusted Environmental and Geological Information (TEGI) program is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the CSIRO that aims to provide access to baseline geological and environmental data and information for strategically important geological basins. The initial geological focus is on the north Bowen, Galilee, Cooper, Adavale, and their overlying basins. This paper presents seven stratigraphic frameworks from these basin regions that underpin groundwater, environmental and resource assessments, identify intervals of resource potential, and can assist in management of associated risks to groundwater resources and other environmental assets. The construction of stratigraphic frameworks for this program builds upon existing lithostratigraphic schemes to capture the current state of knowledge. The frameworks incorporate play divisions for resource and hydrogeological assessments. A total of 33 play intervals are defined for the north Bowen, Galilee, Cooper, Adavale, and their overlying basins, using chronostratigraphic principles. Where possible, unconformities and flooding surfaces are used to define the lower and upper limits of plays. Data availability and temporal resolution are considered in capturing significant changes in gross depositional environments. The results from this work enable the consistent assessment of shared play intervals between basins, and also highlight uncertainties in the age and correlation of lithostratigraphic units, notably in the Galilee and north Bowen Basins.</div> This presentation was given at the 2023 Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) 13-18 March, Brisbane (
Publicly available data was compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, environmental and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin. This web service summarises oil and gas prospectivity of the Galilee Basin.
Publicly available data was compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, and environmental and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin. This web service summarises the geological storage of carbon dioxide prospectivity of the Galilee Basin.
<div>The Trusted Environmental and Geological Information (TEGI) Program (2021-2023) was a multi-disciplinary program that brought together the geology, energy resources, groundwater, carbon and hydrogen storage, mineral occurrences, surface water and ecology for four Australian basin regions. This talk covers how the team leveraged their varied scientific expertise to deliver integrated scientific outcomes for the North Bowen, Galilee, Cooper and Adavale basin regions. This talk highlights the approach and importance of meaningful engagement with those that live in, work in, rely on and care for the regions. The story of the TEGI program outlines how a committed team, collaborating across Australia’s leading scientific organisations, delivered genuine impact during a time of political change.</div><div><br></div>
Publicly available data was compiled to provide a common information base for resource development, environmental and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin. This web service summarises tight gas, shale resources and coal seam gas prospectivity of the Galilee Basin.
Publicly available baseline ecology data are compiled to provide a common information base for environment, resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This data guide captures existing knowledge of the ecosystems and environmental assets overlying the Galilee Basin. The land overlying the Galilee Basin is dominated by the Mitchell Grass Downs Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) bioregion and contains nearly the entire Desert Uplands bioregion. There are also smaller areas of Mulga, Brigalow Belt bioregions, Channel Country, Gulf Plains and Einasleigh Uplands bioregions. The data on the ecosystems and environmental assets overlying the Galilee Basin have been summarised in July 2021 to inform decisions on resource development activities. Key data sources are broad vegetation groups - pre-clearing and 2019 remnant - Queensland series (Queensland Government), Field Environmental Data, Australian Wetlands Database and Heritage places and lists (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water), and the Atlas of Living Australia.
Publicly available groundwater data have been compiled to provide a common information base to inform environmental, resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This data guide gives examples of how these data can be used. The data package included with this data guide captures existing knowledge of Galilee Basin aquifers and their properties, including salinity, water levels, resource size, potential aquifer yield and surface water - groundwater interactions. The methods used to derive these data for all Galilee Basin aquifers in the Galilee Basin region are outlined in the associated metadata files. These are described in groundwater conceptual models (Hostetler et al., 2023). The Galilee Basin includes 3 broadly defined aquifer intervals: from deepest to shallowest, these are the Joe Joe Group, Betts Creek beds and Clematis aquifers. Compiled data have been assigned to these intervals and used to characterise groundwater systems at the basin scale. The data were compiled for a point-in-time to inform decisions on potential resource developments in the Basin. The available historical groundwater data can be used to assess the potential effects on groundwater. The data can also be used for other purposes, such as exploring unallocated groundwater resource potential. Data to January 2022 were used for this compilation.
A SkyTEM airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown over Surat and Galilee regions of Queensland, Australia during July 2017. The Surat-Galilee area was surveyed, with multiple survey sites in Orana, Injune and Galilee. The area is comprised of 1293 line kilometres in Orana, 552 line kilometres in Injune and 2922 line kilometres in Galilee. A total of 4767 line kilometres were flown for this survey. The projected grid coordinates have been supplied in GDA94 MGA Zone 55 for Galilee and Injune and in MGA zone 56 for Orana. The aim of the survey is to provide at a reconnaissance scale: a) trends in regolith thickness and variability b) variations in bedrock conductivity c) conductivity of key bedrock (lithology related) conductive units under cover d) the groundwater resource potential of the region e) palaeovalley systems known to exist in the region.
Publicly available geology data are compiled to provide a common information base for resource development and regulatory decisions in the Galilee Basin region. This web service summarises the geology of the Galilee Basin.