Authors / CoAuthors
The Groundwater Dependent Waterbodies (GDW) dataset is a subset of the Digital Earth Australia (DEA) Waterbodies product that has been combined with the Bureau of Meteorology’s national Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem (GDE) Atlas to produce surface waterbodies that are known/high potential aquatic GDEs. These aquatic GDEs include springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Where known/high potential GDEs intersected a DEA waterbody, the entire DEA waterbody polygon was retained and assigned as a GDW. Additional attributes were added to the waterbody polygons to indicate amount of overlap the waterbody had with the GDE(s) as well as the minimum, mean, median and maximum percentage of time that water has been detected in each GDW relative to the total number of clear observations (1986 to present). This web service will display a variety of layers with spatial summary statistics of the GDW dataset. These provide a first-pass representation of known/high potential aquatic GDEs and their surface water persistence, derived consistently from Landsat satellite imagery across Australia.
Product Type
eCat Id
Contact for the resource
- EFTF - Exploring for the Future
- Waterbodies
- Groundwater Dependent Ecoystem
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification: Fields of Research
- Earth Sciences
- MapServer
- web service
- Published_External
Publication Date
Creation Date
Security Constraints
Classification - unclassified
Legal Constraints
Maintenance Information
Topic Category
Series Information
This web service contains the Groundwater Dependent Waterbodies (GDW) dataset hosted by Geoscience Australia. The GDW dataset is a subset of the Digital Earth Australia (DEA) Waterbodies product that has been combined with the Bureau of Meteorology’s national Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem (GDE) Atlas to produce surface waterbodies that are known/high potential aquatic GDEs. These aquatic GDEs include springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands. Where known/high potential GDEs intersected a DEA waterbody, the entire DEA waterbody polygon was retained and assigned as a GDW. Additional attributes were added to the waterbody polygons to indicate amount of overlap the waterbody had with the GDE(s) as well as the minimum, mean, median and maximum percentage of time that water has been detected in each GDW relative to the total number of clear observations (1986 to present).
Parent Information
Groundwater dependent waterbodies using Digital Earth Australia
UUID - 02ba306e-9522-4594-8212-e7e864ebcf18,
eCat ID - 148584
Reference System
Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 / geodetic (EPSG: 6283)
Spatial Resolution
Service Information
Type - ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer
Version - 10.6.1
Coupled Resource -
Connect Point -
Groundwater dependent waterbodies using Digital Earth Australia WFS
eCat Identifier - 148831,
UUID - d59089c6-542c-46d9-97a3-0b613b702a54
Groundwater dependent waterbodies using Digital Earth Australia WMS
eCat Identifier - 148832,
UUID - 898a5e10-d900-47ac-a3ff-e92a5992e52d
Association Type - operatesOn
Groundwater dependent waterbodies using Digital Earth Australia
eCat Identifier - 148584,
UUID - 02ba306e-9522-4594-8212-e7e864ebcf18
Source Information