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Carnarvon Shelf reef polygons were manually digitized from multibeam echosounder datasets collected on marine survey GA0308 in August/September 2008. Reef areas were defined as exposed, hard substrate that are often raised above the surrounding seafloor. They were mapped using bathymetry and backscatter data along with bathymetric derivatives including; slope, hillshaded bathymetry and contours. Features were mapped at a scale of 1:10 000. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
Jervis Bay Reef Polygons were digitised from the Multibeam bathymetry datasets of Jervis Bay. Reef areas were defined as seabed hard substrate that are often raised from the surroundings flat sedimentary seabed. They were identified and mapped relatively easily on hillshaded bathymetry layers.
Vlaming Shelf reef polygons were manually digitized from multibeam echosounder datasets collected on marine survey GA0334 in March/April 2012. Reef areas were defined as exposed, hard substrate that are often raised above the surrounding seafloor. They were mapped using bathymetry and backscatter data along with bathymetric derivatives including; slope, hillshaded bathymetry and contours. Features were mapped at a scale of 1:10 000. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
Browse Shelf reef polygons were manually digitized from multibeam echosounder datasets collected on marine survey GA0345/GA0346/TAN1411 in October/November 2014. Reef areas were defined as exposed, hard substrate that are often raised above the surrounding seafloor. The continental shelf was defined using the 200 m depth contour. They were mapped using bathymetry and backscatter data along with bathymetric derivatives including; slope, hillshaded bathymetry and contours. Features were mapped at a scale of 1:10 000. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
This service provides access to inorganic geochemistry data obtained from chemical analyses of rock and regolith samples collected during mapping and sampling programs in Australia. This service will provide a spatial distribution of the sample attributes as well as provide a spatial distribution of the analytical composition of the samples with respect to major elements, minor elements and rare earth elements. This service includes original inorganic geochemistry data levelled to reference datasets.
This service provides access to inorganic geochemistry data obtained from chemical analyses of rock and regolith samples collected during mapping and sampling programs in Australia. This service will provide a spatial distribution of the sample attributes as well as provide a spatial distribution of the analytical composition of the samples with respect to major elements, minor elements and rare earth elements. This service includes original inorganic geochemistry data levelled to reference datasets.