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  • Tropical cyclones can significantly impact mangrove forests, with some recovering rapidly, whilst others may change permanently. Inconsistent approaches to quantifying these impacts limit the capacity to identify patterns of damage and recovery across landscapes and cyclone categories. Understanding these patterns is critical as the changing frequency and intensity of cyclones and compounding effects of climate change, particularly sea-level rise, threaten mangroves and their ecosystem services. Improvements in Earth observation data, particularly satellite-based sensors and datacube environments, have enhanced capacity to classify time-series data and advanced landscape monitoring. Using the Landsat archive within Digital Earth Australia to monitor annual changes in canopy cover and extent, this study aims to quantify and classify immediate and long-term impacts of category 3–5 cyclones for mangroves in Australia. Closed canopy mangrove forests experienced the greatest immediate impact (loss of canopy cover).Most immediate impacts were minor, implying limited immediate mortality. Impacts varied spatially, reflecting proximity to exposed coastlines, cyclone track and forest structure (height, density, condition and species). Recovery was evident across all cyclones, although some areas exhibited permanent damage. Understanding the impacts and characteristics of vulnerable and resilient forests is crucial for managers tasked with protecting mangroves and their services as the climate changes. <b>Citation:</b> Asbridge E, Krause C, Lucas R, et al. Characterising the short- and long-term impacts of tropical cyclones on mangroves using the Landsat archive. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures. 2025;3:e4. doi:10.1017/cft.2024.19

  • The Severe Wind Hazard Assessment for Queensland - SWHA(Q), is a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia (GA) and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) which aims to provide realistic and tangible information on the potential physical impacts of tropical cyclones on Queensland communities. This is intended to enable the emergency management sector and Local Governments to more effectively engage with the community on the current and future risks posed by cyclones and inform long term strategic risk management strategies.