Science Sharp End-Presentation
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Numerical models of fluid pathways in extension-related mineral systems
Linking structure and mineralisation in Laverton, with specific reference to Sunrise Dam and Wallaby
Linking structure and mineralisation in Laverton, with specific reference to Sunrise Dam and Wallaby
Multi-scale analysis of Isan mineral systems
Geodynamic evolution of the Mt Isa Inlier and its influence on the formation, timing and localisation of fluid flow
Integration of potential field derived architectural maps and mineral deposits in the Tasmanides
Big system - Big picture: Integrated geology, geophysics, seismology, geochemistry and geochronology to determine why the Yilgarn is there. Setting the scene for the Laverton region.
Seismic 'mapping' of fluid pathways for Laverton's world-class gold mineral system
Using time-contrained facies belts and sequence architecture to correlate the Western and Eastern Successions of the Mt Isa Inlier: Implactions for fluid migratation
Gold in Na-assemblages: Implications for deep fluid sources and pathways in the Eastern Goldfields
Regional architecture of the Tasmanides: The story so far