Research Newsletter
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Titles in this newsletter: Au-Pt-Pd-U mineralisation in the Coronation Hill-El Sherana region, NT Fluid inclusion and oxygen-isotope evidence for low-temperature Au-Pt-Pd(+U) mineralisation at Coronation Hill, NT New results from the BMR Yilgarn granite database: implications for metallogeny, tectonics and lower crustal structure Magmatic and metamorphic evolution and economic potential of the mafic/ultramafic Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, W.A. 1991 Eastern Goldfields seismic reflection survey Geological investigations in the Kimberley-Arunta region Giant sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits: what drives metal enrichment? Metal segregation by magmatic gases - first results from new fluid inclusion technique The Williams and Naraku Batholiths, Mt Isa Inlier: an analogue of the Olympic Dam Granites? New tectonic model for the Cobar Basin, NSW, points to new exploration targets in Lachlan Fold Belt Officer Basin project gets go-ahead Cape York Peninsula update Mapping in high-grade terranes: use of remotely sensed data and airborne geophysics BMR detects hydrocarbon pollution off Sydney
Titles in this newsletter: Epithermal gold potential in the northern Coen Inlier The Australian groundwater quality assessment project Connecting the Riverina and Waroonga Gneisses, Eastern Goldfields Extension of the Woodroffe Thrust, Musgrave Block, into Western Australia High-pressure granulite to eclogite-facies metamorphism in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia The Australian palaeoclimatic record: the key to future climate-change modelling Prospective layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley Regional evidence for Mount Isa-style copper ore systems The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series: Underpinning ecologically sustainable management strategies Christmas Island research cruise defines offshore resource potential New model for evolution of the Gippsland Basin Advanced remote-sensing mapping of shallow-marine environments Tectonic history of the Champ de Mars and westernmost Hinckley Range areas Australian petroleum systems: framework for exploration
Titles in this newsletter: New clues to petroleum prospectivity of offshore Philippines Basins with AGSO surface geochemical (DHD) techniques Palaeomagnetism delivers a 'whopper' on the southeastern McArthur Basin Geometry of Gunnedah Basin and New England Orogen examined by AGSO deep seismic profile The role of position-located whole-rock geochemical data in exploration Contact relationships and structure of the Hinckley Gabbro and environs, Giles Complex, Western Musgrave Block, W.A. Chinese earthquakes to rock Australian buildings Zircon U/Pb chronology, tectono-thermal and crust-forming events in the Tomkinson Ranges, Musgrave Block, Central Australia Aquifers at risk: towards a national groundwater quality perspective Salt lake dynamics, wastewater disposal and evaporation basins New mapping in the Bathurst Sheet area - increased metallogenic potential Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Bowen and Surat Basin successions, Taroom region, Queensland The magnetic anomaly map of Australia
Titles in this newsletter: Prospective hot-dry-rock geothermal energy in Australia Origin and timing of petroleum generation in the Bowen and Surat Basins Image separation for map production Mapping of continental and oceanic crust west and south of Tasmania Sulphur-undersaturated magmatism - a key factor for generating magma-related copper-gold deposits Vulcan Sub-basin, Timor Sea: Clues to the structural reactivation and migration history from the recognition of hydrocarbon seepage indicators A proposed extensional transfer structure in the Archaean of the Eastern Goldfields 'Dynamic data exchange' connections to MicroStation from an Excel spreadsheet The Mount Stavely Volcanic Complex, western Victoria: mainland equivalents of the Tasmanian Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics Magnetic secrets of the Palaeoproterozoic Kombolgie Formation revealed: New insights into geological events in the northwest McArthur Basin from palaeomagnetism
Titles in this newsletter: 'Australian crustal elements' map: a geophysical model for the tectonic framework of the continent A reality and a winner - automated AF demagnetisation comes of age in palaeomagnetic methodology at AGSO Is oil being generated beneath the northern Arafura Sea? Ocean-bottom-seismograph cruise on the North West Shelf NABRE's first field season facilitates the discrimination of sequence boundaries and maximum-flooding and transgressive surfaces in the Mount Isa-Lawn Hill region AGSO's 'fill-spill ' project: reducing exploration risk on the North West Shelf The Fundamental Gravity Network in Victoria Reworked Ordovician conodonts lead to an enhanced mineral and hydrocarbon potential in the southern Petrel Sub-basin, Western Australia The Broken Hill Exploration Initiative - seeking renewed prospectivity in an historically prospective area of New South Wales and South Australia
Titles in this newsletter: Gold targets in the northeast Duketon 1:250 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia How ancient is the Bungle Bungle Range of the East Kimberley, Western Australia? The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: The deep seismic reflection profile south of Mount Isa and Cloncurry The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: Implications of the seismic refraction model The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: A 2.5-dimensional metallogenic GIS analysis A major magmatic event during 1050-1080 Ma in central Australia, and an emplacement age for the Giles Complex The effective elastic thickness of the Australian crust: a major control on the wavelength and shape of topography and basins The precious-metals potential of the Rockley Volcanics in the Lachlan Fold Belt A continued effort to improve lead-isotope model ages
Titles in this newsletter: Re-evaluating the structure of Broken Hill: Implications for mineral exploration and the interpretation ofairborne magnetic data If only Newton had had AGSO's FieldPad New insights to the evolution of the Bass Basin The use of X-rays and neutrons to evaluate hydrocarbon generation in petroleum-source rocks The age of Cu-Au mineralisation, Cloncurry district, Mount Isa Inlier, as determined by 40Ar/39Ar dating Depths of emplacement of Precambrian layered intrusions in the East Kimberley Petroleum systems of the Bowen and Surat Basins Alteration mineral mapping with the laser Raman microprobe: a new technique Complex attributes: new tools for enhancing aeromagnetic data Crustal architecture in northwest Tasmania revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling Sources of fluoride in groundwater in north Queensland Further constraints on sequence stratigraphic correlations in the Mount Isa, McNamara, and McArthur Groups: The Shady Bore Quartzite-Riversleigh Siltstone transition in the 'NABRE'-hood of Riversleigh, northwest Queensland Source and generation history of Palaeozoic hydrocarbons, Petrel Sub-basin
Titles in this newsletter: Mineral-mapping in the north Pilbara Craton: A directed-principal-components-of-band-ratios method for correlating Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper spectral data with geology Proterozoic thrusting in the Osmand Range area of the East Kimberley, Western Australia Rock magnetism gets under way in AGSO Piercing the regolith veil: Identifying parent rocks from weathered equivalents, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia Pieces of eight: Charting the event-related surfaces of the Mount Isa and McArthur basins Balanced petrology of the crust in the Mount Isa region Rocks of Mount Isa Group age in the Eastern Fold Belt Recent tectonics and landscape evolution in the Broken Hill region Why sequence stratigraphy and not lithostratigraphy for exploration? Geodynamic models and palaeomagnetic constraints on the evolution of the North West Shelf
Titles in this newsletter: Multibeam sonar reveals sea-bed structure and processes off east Tasmania and Gippsland The continental margin off west Tasmania, and Tasmania's marginal plateaus Multiple filling history in the Gilmore gas field, Adavale Basin, central Queensland Archaean geology of the Lake Violet 1:100 000 Sheet area, Yandal greenstone belt, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia Oil families, petroleum systems and supersystems: North West Shelf and eastern Indonesian synergies - today Australia, tomorrow the world! Lineament interpretation for groundwater assessment in arid central Australia Are there Voisey's Bay-type Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits in the East Kimberley of Western Australia? Speculations relating to the layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the East Kimberley, Western Australia Nutrients, catchment run-off, and estuarine response in the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia Solid geology of the Nabberu 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia
Titles in this newsletter: Exploration significance of the Hiltaba Suite, South Australia Recognition, structural significance, and prospectivity of early (F1) folds in the Minerie 1:100 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia Phanerozoic polepath loops, and their correlation with basin development and resource accumulation Environmental change recorded in sediments from Tasmanian lakes Arid-zone groundwater recharge and palaeorecharge: insights from the radioisotope chlorine-36 Gamma-ray spectrometric and oxygen-isotope mapping of regional alteration halos in massive sulphide districts: an example from Panorama, central Pilbara Craton Subeclogitic rocks and their implications for crustal structure in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia A seismic model of the crust through the Broken Hill Block and Tasman Line Structural framework of the northeastern Yilgarn Craton and implications for hydrothermal gold mineralisation Towards national geoscience data standards Metallogenic potential of the felsic igneous rocks of the Tennant Creek and Davenport Provinces,Northern Territory: Is the enigma of the source of the gold at Tennant Creek resolved?