Data Driven Discoveries
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<div>As part of the Data Driven Discoveries program, Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Queensland collaborated to re-examine legacy well cuttings for a chemostratigraphic study. The aim was to identify opportunities for resource discovery in the Devonian-aged Adavale Basin in south-central Queensland by conducting a chemostratigraphic study to define regional stratigraphic correlations in a structurally complex basin with limited well penetrations. A total of 1,489 cutting samples were analysed for whole-rock geochemistry, as well as subsets of samples for whole-rock mineralogy and/or carbonate carbon and oxygen isotopes, from a whole-rock sample. The purpose was to establish new chemostratigraphic correlations across the basin independently, using data from 10 wells that sampled the Adavale Basin.</div>
<div>A prerequisite to understanding the evolution and resource potential of a basin is to establish a reliable stratigraphic framework that enables the correlation of rock units across multiple depocentres. Establishing a stratigraphic model for the Adavale Basin is challenging due to its structurally complexity, lack of well penetration and its lateral changes in facies. Biostratigraphy appears broad-scale, and despite providing chronostratigraphic control for the Lower Devonian Gumbardo Formation when combined with U/Pb zircon geochronology, the rest of the Devonian succession is hampered by a lack of microfossil assemblages and their poor preservation. The aim of this study is to establish an independent chemostratigraphic correlation across the Adavale Basin using whole rock inorganic geochemistry. Within this study, a total of 1489 cuttings samples from 10 study wells were analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry for whole rock geochemistry, in order to establish an independent chemostratigraphic zonation scheme. Based on key elemental ratios selected to reflect changes in feldspars, clay minerals and provenance, the Devonian-aged stratigraphy is characterised into four chemostratigraphic mega-sequences that encompass the Gumbardo Formation (Mega-sequence 1); the Eastwood Formation, the Log Creek Formation and the Lissoy Sandstone (Mega-sequence 2); the Bury Limestone and the Boree Salt formations (Mega-sequence 3); and the Etonvale and the Buckabie formations (Mega-sequence 4). These mega-sequences have been further subdivided into a series of chemostratigraphic sequences that can be correlated across the study wells, establishing a regional correlation framework. </div> This Paper was submitted/presented to the 2023 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference 15-18 May, ( <b>Journal Citation:</b> Riley David, Pearce Tim, Davidson Morven, Sirantoine Eva, Lewis Chris, Wainman Carmine (2023) Application of elemental chemostratigraphy to refine the stratigraphy of the Adavale Basin, Queensland. <i>The APPEA Journal</i><b> 63</b>, 207-219.
<div>Two new programs at Geoscience Australia are providing trusted, high-quality science to support decision making and the Australian resources industry. </div><div> </div><div>The Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program will provide baseline pre-competitive data in the Cooper, Adavale, north Bowen and Galilee basin regions. A repository of information is being developed in collaboration with CSIRO, including new geological and environmental assessments, to accelerate development in the sectors of petroleum, mineral, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage, while simultaneously providing opportunities to understand the potential hazards, risk and impacts of these resources being developed. </div><div> </div><div>The Data Driven Discoveries program is combining new and old data to better understand the under-explored Adavale Basin in central-western Queensland. The program will undertake chemical composition analyses to support the correlation of geological layers, collate and reprocess historical seismic data, acquire new seismic reflection data, and undertake stratigraphic research drilling to provide a more detailed understanding of basin architecture and the resource potential of the Adavale Basin. </div><div> </div><div>An overview of the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information and Data Driven Discoveries programs will be provided, including initial results and planned acquisition. This will show how these complementary programs will contribute to streamlined regulation and approval processes, the low emissions agenda, and responsible resource development in key basin regions across Australia.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) QLD Symposium 9 September (
<div>The Australian Government's Data Driven Discoveries program, in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Queensland, has collected 1715 km of deep crustal seismic data across the Adavale Basin in South-Central Queensland. The L215 Adavale Basin Deep Crustal Seismic Survey was conducted between April and July 2023. The survey acquired 7 regional seismic lines, including 23GA-A1 (550 km), 23GA-A2 (196 km), 23GA-A3 (262 km), 23GA-A4 (94 km), 23GA-A5 (239 km), 23GA-A6 (161 km), and 23GA-A7 (213 km) across the basin. The acquisition of these lines occurred both during the day and night near the towns of Adavale, Charleville, Augathella, Blackall, westward towards Windorah, and north beyond Jericho.</div><div><br></div><div>The Adavale Basin Deep Crustal Seismic Survey complements previous work completed under the Data Driven Discoveries Program, including the Adavale Basin 2D Reprocessed Seismic Data Package (eCat No. 149018) and the newly defined chemostratigraphic framework for the basin (Riley et al., 2023, eCat No. 147773). The survey will deliver a significant uplift in regional shallow and deep crustal seismic information for the Adavale Basin, providing a modern, high-fold dataset that will enhance understanding of the basin's stratigraphy, hydrogeology, resource potential, and underground salt storage opportunities.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>The raw shot gather data acquired during the survey are now available from Geoscience Australia. To request this data, please email and include the reference 'eCat#149289' in your message.</strong></div>