Authors / CoAuthors
Fisher, A.G. | Brodie, R.C.
This dataset includes products derived from the Honeysuckle Creek airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey (Geoscience Australia Airborne Geophysics Project number 903), which was acquired in 2001 near Shepparton in Victoria. The derivative products have been specially designed through the application of the Geoscience Australia Layered Earth Inversion (GA-LEI) algorithm, to facilitate easier use than the original data. However, they should only be considered depictions of the data, and the methods used in their generation instil their own biases. The dataset includes the following products derived from the GA-LEI results: - GA-LEI data in a point located or line format (ASCII format). - Vertical conductivity sections (JPEG and PDF format). - Conductance grids (ERMapper format) and images (JPEG format). - Conductivity depth slice grids (ERMapper format) and images (JPEG format). - Layer conductivity grids (ERMapper format). - Depth to basement grids (ERMapper format) and images (JPEG format). - 3-dimensional voxet of conductivity. The whole dataset is stored in 12 ZIP files, and should be referred to as Fisher and Brodie (2008b). For more information on all the files included in the dataset, as well as the methods used in creating the derivative products see Fisher and Brodie (2008a). REFERENCES Fisher, A.G. and Brodie, R.C., 2008a. Geoscience Australia LEI Products from the Honeysuckle Creek TEMPEST AEM survey, Victoria. Geoscience Australia Record 2008/12. Fisher, A.G. and Brodie, R.C., 2008b. Geoscience Australia LEI Products from the Honeysuckle Creek TEMPEST AEM survey, Victoria [Digital Dataset]. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
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Cnr Jerrabomberra Ave and Hindmarsh Dr GPO Box 378
- Airborne Digital Data
- ( Theme )
- ( Theme )
- Airborne Electromagnetics
- ( Theme )
- geophysics
- Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
- Geophysics
- Published_Internal
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Series Information
The AEM survey data were acquired and processed by the airborne geophysical survey contractors Fugro Airborne Surveys. Details on the acquisition and processing are available in Lawrence et al. (2002), which is included with the original data (GEOCAT number 65384). Derivative products were created through the Geoscience Australia Layered Earth Inversion (GA-LEI) process. For further information on the methods used in data processing, the GA-LEI process, and the production of derivative products see Fisher and Brodie (2008). References: Fisher, A.G. & Brodie, R.C., 2008. Geoscience Australia LEI Products from the Honeysuckle Creek TEMPEST AEM Survey, Victoria. Geoscience Australia Record 2008/12. Lawrence, M., Lane, R. and Baron-Hay, S., 2002. Honeysuckle Creek, Victoria, acquisition and processing report. Unpublished Fugro Airborne Surveys report to the Bureau of Rural Sciences.
Parent Information
[-36.743, -36.42, 145.383, 145.886]
Reference System
GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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Source Information
Source data not available.