Authors / CoAuthors
Bradshaw, B. | Orr, M. | Bernecker, T.
Australia is endowed with abundant, high quality energy resources, which provide both affordable and reliable energy for domestic use, and underpin our status as a major global energy provider. Australia continues to have the world’s largest economic uranium resources, the third largest coal resources, and substantial conventional and unconventional natural gas resources. Gas production has grown rapidly in recent years enabled by a series of new LNG projects on the North West Shelf, together with established CSG projects in Queensland. In 2019, Australia became the world’s largest LNG exporter on an annualised basis. Results from Geoscience Australia’s 2021 edition of the Australian Energy Commodity Resources assessment highlight that the nation’s energy commodity resources are widely distributed and include a significant resource potential in many onshore and offshore basins. Knowledge of the existing and untapped resource potential allows decision makers to prioritise development of energy resources that are able to support Australia’s recovery from the recent economic downturn. This aligns well with the Australian Government’s plans to support the development of natural gas resources in order to enable a rapid transition to a low carbon economy. A key component of Australia’s clean energy future and economic recovery will be the development of a hydrogen industry, with hydrogen produced either through electrolysis of water using renewable energy resources (green hydrogen), or manufactured from natural gas or through coal gasification with CCS of the co-produced CO2 (blue hydrogen). Geoscience Australia’s assessment includes a synopsis of the current status of Australia’s rapidly evolving hydrogen industry. Appeared in The APPEA Journal 61(2) 325-330, 2 July 2021
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To publish results from the 2021 Australia's Energy Commodity Resources assessment to petroleum industry stakeholders.
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Extended abstract for APPEA 2021 conference
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