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  • Zircon U-Pb ages, εHf(t) and δ18O isotopic data, geochemistry and limited Sm-Nd results mostly from deep basement drill cores from undercover parts of the Thomson Orogen, provide strong temporal links with outcropping regions of the orogen as well as important clues for its evolution and relationship with the Lachlan Orogen. SHRIMP U–Pb ages from three Early Ordovician volcanic samples and one granite from the undercover, Thomson Orogen shows that magmatism of this age is widespread across the central, undercover regions of the orogen and occurred in a narrow time-window between 480 Ma and 470 Ma. These rocks have evolved, εHf(t)zrn (-6.26 to -12.18), εNd (-7.1 to -11.3), and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (7.01–8.50‰) which is in stark contrast to the Early Ordovician rocks in the Lachlan Orogen, that are isotopically juvenile. Two samples have latest Silurian to earliest Devonian ages (1586685 DIO Ella 1; 425.4 ± 6.6 Ma and 2122055 Hungerford Granite; 419.1 ± 2.5) and coincide with a major period of intrusive magmatism in the southern Thomson and the Eastern and Central Lachlan Orogen. These samples have evolved εHf(t)zrn (-4.62 to -6.42) and supracrustal δ18Ozrn (9.26–10.29‰) which is similar to Lachlan Orogen rocks emplaced during this time. Four samples have mid Early to early Late Devonian ages (408–382 Ma) and appear to have been emplaced in a generally extensional tectonic regime. Two of these are from the Gumbardo Formation (1682891 PPC Carlow 1 and 1682892 PPC Gumbardo 1), the basal unit of the Adavale Basin, and constrain its opening to between 408 Ma and 403 Ma. The other two samples (1585223 AAE Towerhill 1 and 2122056 Currawinya Granite) have ages of ca. 382 Ma. These latter samples generally show a shift towards more juvenile εHf(t)zrn and mantle-like δ18Ozrn values, a trend that is also seen in rocks of this age in the Lachlan Orogen. Collectively, zircon Hf and O isotopes show that magmatism in the central, undercover part of the Thomson Orogen was initially derived from isotopically evolved magma sources but progressed to more juvenile sources during the Devonian. Furthermore, it appears that samples from the Thomson Orogen may fall along two distinct Hf-O isotopic mixing trends. One trend, appears to have incorporated an older (more evolved) supracrustal component and occurs in the northern two-thirds of the Thomson Orogen, while the other trend is generally less evolved and occurs in the southern third of the Thomson Orogen and is geographically continuous with the Lachlan Orogen. <b>Citation:</b> A. J. Cross, D. J. Purdy, D. C. Champion, D. D. Brown, C. Siégel & R. A. Armstrong (2018) Insights into the evolution of the Thomson Orogen from geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon isotopic studies of magmatic rocks, <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 65:7-8, 987-1008, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1515791

  • An important finding of this study is the presence of Williams-Naraku Batholith ages (i.e. ca 1500 Ma) east and (well) north of the currently known extent. Sample 2804770/DPMI013 is a leucocratic biotite granite collected from unnamed unit PLg/k ca 30 km southwest of Burke and Wills Roadhouse at the far northern outcropping extent of the Mary Kathleen Domain. This unit intrudes the Corella Formation and Boomarra Metamorphics as small pods and dykes that likely represent the upper portions of a larger pluton. The results from this sample are complex but indicate a minimum crystallisation age of 1500 ± 6 Ma. This is within error of units assigned to the Williams and Naraku Batholiths (e.g. Mavis Granodiorite, Malakoff Granite, Wimberu Granite – see geochronology compilation of Jones et al., 2018). A similar but more certain age of 1511 ± 4 Ma was determined for an unnamed amphibole granite farther south near Kajabbi (2804772/DPMI049b). It is likely that this intrusion also represents the upper parts of a pluton that is more extensive at depth. Together, these two new ages greatly expand the known extent of magmatism at ca 1500 Ma. The Mount Godkin Granite forms a prominent, topographically high range ca 45km northwest of Cloncurry. It intrudes the Corella Formation and has a distinct ellipsoid mapped extent. On the basis of geochemistry, Budd et al. (2001) included the Mount Godkin Granite in the Burstall Suite. The crystallisation age reported here (1739 ± 3 Ma) for sample 2804771/DPMI041 is within error of the most recent published ages from the Burstall Granite and Lunch Creek Gabbro (i.e. 1740 ± 3 Ma, 1737 ± 3 Ma, 1739 ± 3 Ma; Neumann et al., 2009) confirming broadly synchronous emplacement. We also sampled a fine-grained, leucocratic and miarolitic biotite granite from the far northern tip of the Burstall Granite (mapped as subunit l). Despite being lithologically and texturally distinct from the main body of Burstall Granite, this sample (2804773/DPMI054) yielded a similar crystallisation age (1736 ± 4 Ma) to the main Burstall Granite and Lunch Creek Gabbro bodies (Neumann et al., 2009). A lithologically similar, unfoliated, miarolitic leucogranite was sampled from Exco Resources drill core EMCDD094 (534.85–536.07 m) at Mount Colin mine near the contact between the Burstall Granite and Corella Formation. In drill core, this granite contains large xenoliths of Corella Formation and locally transitions to a crystallised hydrothermal phase. It appears intimately associated with copper mineralisation and the crystallisation age of 1737 ± 3 Ma determined here (2804792/DPMI080) may be similar to the mineralisation age. The Myubee Igneous Complex and Overlander Granite intrude the Corella Formation in the southern part of the Mary Kathleen Domain. They were thought to have been emplaced at about the same time as the nearby Revenue Granite, the Mount Erle Igneous Complex farther south, and the Burstall Granite to the north, based on lithological and chemical similarities (e.g., Bultitude et al., 1978, 1982; Blake et al., 1984). These last three units have yielded U–Pb zircon (SHRIMP) ages in the 1735–1740 Ma range (Neumann et al., 2009; Geoscience Australia, 2011; Kositcin et al., 2019). However, Bierlein et al. (2011) reported slightly younger SHRIMP zircon emplacement ages in the 1718–1722 Ma range for parts of the Revenue Granite and Mount Erle Igneous Complex, suggesting the units are composite. The 1740 ± 5 Ma age yielded by the Overlander Granite as part of the current study is similar to ages recorded for the units listed above and, therefore, supports the interpretations of earlier workers. The granite is associated spatially with several small Cu–Au deposits in nearby country rocks (Corella Formation) including the Overlander group of mines (abandoned) and prospects, and the Andy’s Hill (Cu–Au–Co–La) and Scalper (Cu–Au) prospects (Denaro et al., 2003), but a genetic relationship between the granite and mineralisation has yet to be unequivocally demonstrated. Granite of the Myubee Igneous Complex yielded a slightly younger age of 1727 ± 5 Ma. We interpret this as a minimum age for igneous crystallisation of the granite, because most of the SHRIMP zircon analyses preserve evidence of post-crystallisation isotopic disturbance. However, it does support the conclusion of Passchier (1992) who deduced that the Myubee Igneous Complex is slightly younger than the nearby Revenue Granite, based on structural criteria. According to Passchier D1 (local) structures in the Revenue Granite are not present in the Myubee Igneous Complex. The significance of the anomalously young SHRIMP, zircon age of 1722 ± 5 Ma subsequently reported by Bierlein et al. (2011) for the Revenue Granite has yet to be resolved. The dated sample of Wimberu Granite is from a relatively small lobe, separated from the main outcrop area to the east by an extensive cover of younger Georgina Basin rocks. The lobe is located ~11 km east of the Pilgrim Fault Zone, which marks the eastern boundary of the Mary Kathleen Domain. The analysed sample yielded a U–Pb zircon age of 1518 ± 5 Ma, which is similar to the U–Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages reported previously for different parts of the main body of Wimberu Granite east of Devoncourt homestead—namely 1508 ± 4 Ma (Page & Sun, 1998) and 1512 ± 4 (Pollard & McNaughton, 1997). <b>Bibliographic Reference: </b>Bodorkos, S., Purdy, D.J., Bultitude, R.J., Lewis, C.J., Jones, S.L., Brown, D.D. and Hoy, D., 2020. Summary of Results. Joint GSQ–GA Geochronology Project: Mary Kathleen Domain and Environs, Mount Isa Inlier, 2018–2020. <i>Queensland Geological Record</i><b> 2020/04</b>.