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  • This data package consists of 83 QuickBird satellite images, each in four spectral bands at 2.4 metre spatial resolution. The scene locations are scattered around the Australian coast line. The data was initially acquired as part of a joint project involving Geoscience Australia (GA), CSIRO Land and Water and the University of Tasmania, as part of the National Land and Water Resource Audit (NLWRA). The data are supplied under licence and potential licensees must first seek specific approval from the satellite operator (through GA) before being granted access to the data.

  • Satellite imagery map produced by LOSAMBA Project in July 2009 using DigitalGlobe QuickBird imagery. This map provides an overall view of the whole of Lihou Reef with key information for all major and minor Cays as well as close-up insets of five major vegetated Cays. To be used in conjuction with "Lihou Reef Minor Cays " Imagery Map (GeoCat 69319)

  • Satellite imagery map produced by LOSAMBA Project in July 2009 using DigitalGlobe QuickBird imagery. This map provides close-up insets of minor cays on Lihou Reef. To be used in conjuction with Lihou Reef and Major Cays - Imagery Map (GeoCat 69317)